Brett Walther

Brett Walther


Treatment for Oily Hair

Does it look like someone put Vaseline in your hair? Are you weighed down by the weight of it? First, don't blame your hygiene habits, because your problem is probably hereditary. Fight back with the right shampoo - wash, rinse and be sure to repeat - and special oil-stopping rinses you can make yourself.

4 Tips for Healthy Eating

Make these easy food adjustments, and you'll automatically cut your risk of heart disease significantly.

How to Give Your Dog a Massage

You're not the only one who benefits from that trip to the masseuse. Your pooch does, too: He gets a shinier coat, improved circulation and a boost to the immune system. But there's no need to book an appointment. Just take Bandie to a nice, quiet spot in your home where he can relax.