
Stretching After Working Out

After your workout, stretch all the muscles you’ve used. If you run, for example, be sure to stretch out the calves, hamstrings and quadriceps. The following is a list of major muscle groups you should be targeting at the end of any workout.  

Healthy Breakfast Ideas

Breakfast is often referred to as the most important meal of the day. But a doughnut or oversized muffin won't do it. The key is to choose energy-enhancing, health-invigorating foods. That's what we'll focus on in the tips ahead.

Picnic Basket Essentials

Coolers, containers, lemonade... these are just a few of the things a good picnic needs. We've made preparing your picnic simple with this guide. Now all you've got to do is find some sun, get some good company and head to the park!