pump gas car

How much gas should be in your tank?

Nothing is more annoying when you’re cruising on a road trip or commuting to work and realize something urgent: you need gas. Between the time it takes to fill up, the cost of the gas, and just the general inconvenience, you might be wondering whether you can just cruise a little bit longer without stopping. Maybe not so much, according to experts who say there’s actually an ideal amount of gas to keep in your tank. (Don’t miss the reasons why your car won’t start.)

For starters, it’s important to understand how your gas tank works. In your gas tank is a fuel pump, says Bill Evans, who’s worked with cars for over 30 years and is now manager of J & E Auto Body in Clark, New Jersey. This pump runs from the gas tank to the motor, supplying fuel. As the pump runs, it heats up—but when it’s submerged in gas, the fuel acts as a coolant to stop the pump from overheating. If you’re running on less than a quarter tank of gas, the pump will overheat and end up failing sooner than it should. What’s more, driving around on empty can cause condensation in the walls of your gas tank, diluting your fuel, and causing rust, according to Richard Reina, a product training director at CARiD.com. And unlike these simple car problems, engine rust and a broken fuel pump aren’t things you can fix yourself.

You may still feel driving on empty gives you more fuel for your buck. But, in addition to increasing the potential of longterm damage to your car, driving on empty actually hurts your gas mileage. “If you’re driving around on empty, the fuel pump is going to start picking up everything on the bottom of the tank,” Evans says. This includes sediment from dirty gas and tank condensation. Not only can this damage your fuel pump and motor, but it actually makes your gas mileage worse. “As long as you have a quarter tank of gas, your gas mileage is going to stay as optimal as it could,” Evans said. “The filter isn’t getting hot. The motor isn’t working as hard. That all helps on your gas mileage. If you’re keeping a quarter a tank of gas or more in the car, you’ll prolong the life of the fuel system parts.”

So there you have it—maybe it’s time to break your habit of using the last drops of the final lire of fuel to roll to the gas station. And while you’re at it, focus on breaking these other bad habits that are shortening the life of your car.

Keep cat from scratching furniture

Do all cats scratch furniture?

Does anyone remember the song Cat Scratch Fever by Ted Nugent? It was released in 1977 and in 2009, VH1 named it the 32nd best rock song of all time. But, we digress. No matter how much you love your cat(s), if they’re tearing up your furniture, it’s time to find a solution. We’re here to help.

Scratching is a normal aspect of cat behaviour. In the wild, cats scratch their claws to remove the dead layer of claw (think of it like a cat manicure), which helps to keep their claws sharp for hunting. Scratching also lets them mark their territory. They have scent glands between their claws and the scratch marks themselves are a visual sign to other cats that this area is occupied. Scratching and stretching also help them to keep their bodies in good shape.

So, your much-loved cat is simply being a cat. However, it’s not fun if they decide to leave their calling card on your furniture, drapes or carpets. Here are some proven ways to keep a cat from scratching furniture.

Don’t declaw your hat

Declawing your cat isn’t recommended. It’s a surgical procedure that involves removing the last bone in each of your cat’s toes to prevent the claws from regrowing. It can lead to behaviour problems such as biting and refusal to use a litter box.

Provide scratching posts

Kittens begin to scratch at around eight weeks old, so start training your cat when it’s young, by providing scratching posts or stands. Your cat can still indulge in its natural behaviour, but without shredding your furniture. (Find out which cat breeds have the friendliest personalities.)

Use cat scratch spray

Using a cat scratch spray will trick your cat into thinking that it has already marked its territory, discouraging it from scratching where you don’t want it to. You can make your own homemade cat scratch spray using vinegar, essential citrus oils, or even garlic and peppermint. Better yet, you can purchase a pre-made cat deterrent spray!

Use cat scratch tape

If you’re wondering how to stop cats from scratching leather furniture, then cat scratch tape is the answer. It also works well on fabric, carpet and hard surfaces such as walls and doors. This double-sided sticky tape comes in panels or rolls like regular tape, and can be stuck where you need it and removed easily afterward. Cats hate the feeling of stickiness on their paws, so it discourages scratching. (Make sure you know these subtle signs your cat is depressed.)

Try socks or nail caps

Cat socks (aka mittens) to prevent scratching are an alternative to declawing. These socks work well for some cats, but if yours gets frustrated and keeps removing them, try soft nail caps that glue onto your cat’s claws. These will limit the damage if your cat does decide to scratch where it shouldn’t.

Protect with vinyl guards

Yet another option is to install clear vinyl panels on your furniture where your cat wants to scratch. These panels are available in many sizes and they come with screw pins that make the panels very easy to install.

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These are the secrets your pets won’t tell you!

Wall-mounted phone jack

If you want to be rid of the wall-mounted phone jack for good: Patch it!

What was once one of the greatest technological innovations—the landline telephone—is now quickly disappearing from homes. However, it’s leaving unsightly evidence of its past prominence. If you’re one of the more than 50 per cent of homeowners who have opted out of landline service, chances are you still have at least one ugly wall mounted phone jack with which you don’t know what to do. So, the question is … what do you do with that unattractive jack?

If you want to be rid of the wall-mounted phone jack for good: Patch it! 

First, either remove the box altogether or cut the wires and tape up the ends with electrical tape so they don’t touch each other. Or, even better, trace the line to its source and remove/disconnect the entire wire. Then you can patch the wall with this tried and true method!

If you want to keep the house equipped for a landline phone just in case you change your mind or the next homeowner wants one: Disguise it!

You can hide the phone jack with a message board made of cork, a dry erase board, or a chalkboard. If the jack sticks out too far for the message board to hang flat against the wall, attach a thin, empty picture frame to the back of the board to hold it away from the wall. (Think that sounds genius? Check out these home organizing hacks you’ll wish you knew sooner.)

Another option is to purchase an empty wood cigar box online or at a cigar store, cut a hole about the size of the phone jack in the bottom and hang the box on the wall. Attach a couple of small magnets at the top and bottom of the “door,” if the box doesn’t have a clasp. Add a handle, and now you have yourself a little storage cubbie. (Inspired to flex your DIY muscles even more? Try these home improvement ideas under $200.)

And finally, you can use the space inside the jack as a mini secret safe. With the wires removed, you’ll have space to hide some cash, jewelry or small collectibles. Then, find or make something decorative to cover the opening and no one will ever suspect there’s loot hiding behind it.

Don’t miss these 19 mysterious old home features that aren’t useful anymore.

Commonwealth Day service at Westminster Abbey, London, UK - 11 Mar 2019

What are Prince George’s parents hiding from him?

Britain’s Prince George, the firstborn son of Prince William and his wife, Kate Middleton, is different from your average five-year-old in many ways. Aside from the fact he has a net worth of $3.6 billion, he’s also someday going to be the King of England. But don’t tell him that last part. In fact, his parents have yet to even say anything about their eldest child’s future role.

In an interview with the BBC, Prince William said he and Kate have yet to tell the little prince he’ll someday be king. Instead, they’re raising George, along with his siblings Charlotte and Louis, without any consideration to their royal roles.

“As far as we’re concerned within our family, we’re a normal family,” Prince William said. “I love my children the same way any father does and I hope George loves me the same any son does to his father. We are very normal in that sense. There’ll be a time and a place to bring George up and understand how he fits in in the world. But right now, it’s just the case of keeping a secure, stable environment around him and showing him as much love as I can as a father.” (Did you know that Princess Diana thought Harry would make a better king than William?)

Since Prince George started nursery school about three years ago, it’s unclear just how long it may be before one of his classmates spills the beans—the young prince may have already found out. However, according to Harper’s Bazaar, the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge won’t be putting pressure on George anytime soon since William himself feels he was too aware of the responsibility of his role at too young an age and doesn’t want his son to feel the same.

It may be a while before Prince George begins taking notes. So far, it seems William and Kate are focused on giving their children as normal an upbringing as possible—even though he and his siblings still have to follow these rules for royal children.

Dogs sniff

The truth about why dogs sniff butts

When humans first meet, we shake hands, make eye contact and ask questions to get to know each other. This greeting usually gives us enough information to make some safe assumptions about a person’s approximate age, health and current mood. Dogs do the same thing, but in a much more crude way—they get their information by sniffing each other’s butt.

If you have a pup, you know how unappealing this can be to watch. Luckily, evolution is on their side! While dogs can sniff 10,000 to 100,000 times more than us mere human beings, they have a special super organ, called Jacobson’s organ, in their naval cavity that prevents the smelling of poo and enhances the smell of everything else. (Don’t miss these cutest dog breeds as puppies!)

Okay, so why is the dog butt so special? Fair warning: I’m going to get anatomical on you. Every dog has two anal glands from which come secretions that, while masked to the human nose by the pup’s stool, tell an entire story to dogs who sniff it. With a couple inhales, any dog can ascertain if another dog is an old acquaintance or a new one, if they’re male or female, and if they’re aggressive or passive. (These are the dog breeds that bark the most.)

The next time you see your dog go in for a sniff, just allow it to happen because if it gets cut short it can leave a dog confused and crazy with curiosity. But (!), keep that dog “greeting” to no more than tjree seconds because any longer and it can be a sign of dominant dog behaviour, and no one wants a bully on the puppy playground. If you’re unsure how long it should be, just think of the length of a handshake. Handshakes or behind sniffing… aren’t you grateful you’re a human being?

Memorize these warning signs your dog is suffering from heat stroke.

Niagara Now art installation, a 12-foot-high waterfall with painted water bottles hung by fishing line

Just this week, a pregnant sperm whale made headlines when it was found dead off the coast of Sardinia with 48 pounds of plastic in its stomach.

In the same news cycle, New York became the second state to approve a statewide ban on single-use plastic bags.

The world has finally started to realize its global plastics problem, and now an art installation in Toronto’s Union Station hopes to show Canadians the tangible effects of their actions on Canada’s waterways—and one thing they can do to help.

Artist Asher Jay, known for her exhibits made from single-use plastic water bottles, has partnered with Brita Canada to create Niagara Now, a 12-foot-high waterfall with painted water bottles hung by fishing line. Jay and her team salvaged 900 bottles for the display—the same number that is consumed and discarded in Toronto every five minutes.

“Bottled water has become so cheap, so ubiquitous,” says Matt Kohler, VP Marketing for Brita Canada. “I think consumers have this perception that plastic bottles aren’t a problem because they’re recyclable. But the reality is, most of that stuff doesn’t end up recycled. It ends up in a landfill or in our waterways. In Canada, we consume two billion water bottles per year, which is 5.3 million a day. About 22 million pounds of plastic makes its way into the Great Lakes every year. It’s a crazy statistic.”

Though Niagara Now is not Asher Jay’s first time working with plastic bottles, it’s the first time she’s showcased the single-use plastics problem alongside one possible solution: the Brita Longlast™ filter, which can purify 900 single-use bottles worth of water. “Often, we spiral into despair and hopelessness and don’t know what to do,” she says. “This exhibit is a great way to tell people, ‘Hey, this is something you can do next.’”

And with the image of cascading water, Jay hopes that people will realize the great impact that we can all have together. “It’s not about one person changing one thing,” she says. “It’s about the cumulative effect of everyone making a better choice.”

Niagara Now will be on display on the ground floor of Union Station until April 6, 2019.

Next, check out more facts that will make you stop using plastic.

Colon cancer symptoms

I was diagnosed with colon cancer—and survived

People often ignore their own symptoms, and 49-year-old Amy Driben-Salcedo was no exception. She dismissed the burning in her abdomen for four or five months, starting in the summer of 2017. “I have three kids and was just busy with life,” she says. Even after looking up her symptoms online and talking to doctors, though, she never dreamed her symptoms might be colon cancer.

When the pain began, it radiated from hip to hip and then moved to her back. “I Googled my symptoms and decided it must be an ulcer, so I changed my diet to bland foods. I already couldn’t tolerate much food at that point,” she recalls. Still, the high school guidance counsellor continued to ignore the pain. But then she began losing weight rapidly. By the time she made it to a doctor’s office, she had dropped 25 pounds.

Driben-Salcedo’s abdominal pain and weight loss were both classic signs of colon cancer, though she dismissed the possibility at the time because she felt she was too young. Other colon cancer symptoms include a change in bowel habits (diarrhea or constipation), rectal bleeding or blood in stools, and weakness and fatigue. Although Driben-Salcedo’s symptoms weren’t silent, they can be: here are the silent signs of colon cancer.

Finally, in January 2018, Driben-Salcedo made an appointment with a gastroenterologist. The doctor did blood work and x-rays, but everything came back normal. He prescribed her medication for irritable bowel syndrome. “He said I think your colon is out of whack, so we need to get that back to normal.”

After taking the medication for a few weeks with no relief, Driben-Salcedo called the doctor again. “I just didn’t feel right. On the way to the CT scan he ordered, I told my husband, ‘This must be what cancer feels like, I’m in so much pain.'” The scan showed a shadow on her liver. “The GI doctor said that it led him to believe it was a tumour, so he ordered an MRI.”

The MRI revealed multiple tumours in her colon, and her doctor sent her for a colonoscopy right away. The internal scope revealed the truth—she had colon cancer. In 2017, nearly 27,000 people were diagnosed with colorectal cancer in Canada. The American Cancer Society recently lowered it’s recommended age to receive screening for colorectal cancer from 50 to 45 due to an alarming increase in younger diagnoses. While you can’t control all of the risk factors for colon cancer, here are some foods to reduce your risk.

“When they first told me, I was numb. I looked at the doctor and said, ‘You just handed me a death sentence, didn’t you?'” He assured her that he hadn’t: “He said other than the colon cancer, your health is perfect. You’re going to beat this. It’s just going to take a long time.”

For the last year, Driben-Salcedo has had chemotherapy every other week, for three days a week. She’s endured brutal side effects, including gum issues, weakness and numbness (neuropathy) in her hands and feet, and sleepless nights. She’s had scans every three months to track her progress; each shows that she’s steadily improving. The latest scan held the best news yet—the cancer is gone.

“It’s beyond exciting,” she says. “The doctors said it’s the best news we can hope for. I don’t know what happens next, but I’m excited.” Her doctors will continue to monitor her, and she’ll continue to get treatment until her doctors say she’s done. Though Driben-Salcedo’s excited about the future, she still regrets not acting on her symptoms sooner. “We have to listen to our bodies. I can’t imagine waiting any longer than I did—shame on me.”

There are several screening options for colon cancer besides getting a colonoscopy every 10 years, so be sure to discuss all of them with your doctor. The earlier colorectal cancer is caught, the better.

Next, read up on the strange symptoms that can signal a serious disease.

Kate Middleton with Prince Louis

Royal baby no-no’s

Royal babies eat like, well…royalty. From the second they enter the world, their diets are monitored to ensure that they are eating the best foods that will help them grow into strong, healthy kids. Curious about their diet? Royal chefs and other palace staff have given the public a look into what foods royal babies can and cannot eat—but it’ll be a while before they get to try the dinner dish the royal family loves.


Just like all babies, royal babies typically start off on a diet of breastmilk. However, up until Queen Elizabeth II, royals hired wet nurses to breastfeed their babies. It’s been reported that Queen Elizabeth apparently breastfed Prince Charles while Princess Diana insisted on nursing William and Harry herself. Kate Middleton also breastfed all three of her children, and Meghan Markle is expected to do the same.

The mothers have strict diets too

While breastfeeding their babies, royal mothers have to watch their diet as well so that nothing alters the flavour of the milk they are giving to their children. Strong alcohol, spices, and garlic are all off limits. They have to stick to a “bland” diet. The Queen herself also keeps to a strict diet—if you’re lucky enough to eat dinner with the Queen, you must follow these two rules.

Fresh fruit and vegetables

Once the royal babies are old enough to start eating solid foods, they are introduced to pureed fruits and vegetables straight from the Queen’s garden. Former royal chef, Darren McGrady, told TODAY.com that he “pureed the princes’ (William and Harry) first meals of steamed apples and pears from the Queen’s Sandringham country retreat.” After pureeing, he would strain them twice to make sure there were no lumps that the babies could choke on.

Pureed meat

Delicious, right? As the baby gets older, different types of meat will be introduced in their diet to expand their palate. Chefs puree chicken, lamb, or beef and mix it with vegetables such as carrots, peas, or cauliflower. Former royal chef Carolyn Robb told Racked that the meat typically comes from animals raised on royal grounds and is organic.

They stay away from packaged foods

With an abundance of royal chefs—and a few even dedicated solely to the royal babies—there really is no need for them to eat packaged foods. In his over 15 years working as a royal chef, McGrady never saw packaged food given to any royal baby. However, Camilla was seen accepting Plum baby food for Prince William and Duchess Kate’s children. Whether the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge actually fed it to their kids is unknown.

As they get older, royal babies have a little more say in what they get to eat. Obviously, their parents and nannies will make sure they are getting their fruits and veggies in every day. Princess Charlotte reportedly loves olives and one of her and George’s favourite dinners is “cheesy pasta.” They even like to help cook it!

Check out more real stories from former staff on what it’s like working for the royal family.

Bald man in a grey suit

Being bald may actually be a good thing

Put down the phone if you’re Googling cutting-edge balding treatments. A study from 2012 out of the University of Pennsylvania may have changed the cranial follicle game completely.

The research, involving three separate studies related to balding, found evidence suggesting men with shaved heads are sexier. In the first study researchers asked 59 male and female students at the University of Pennsylvania to rate photos of men—some bald, some not—based on perceived confidence, attractiveness, and dominance. In the second study, 367 male and female adults were asked to rate photos where researchers had digitally removed the hair. The third study was a non-visual exercise where 552 male and female adults read descriptions of men, which included the subjects’ career, age, weight, height, and whether or not they had hair. (Don’t miss Carson Kressly’s guide to dressing with confidence.)

The first two studies found men with a shaved head were perceived to be more dominant than men with a full head of hair, with study two perceiving them to be taller and stronger as well. The third study found the same results applied to photo-less descriptions of men. Given these findings, men going bald may at the very least want to take a shaved head for a test-drive. (Check out these home remedies for dry and damaged hair.)

“Instead of spending billions each year trying to reverse or cure their hair loss, the counterintuitive prescription of this research to men experiencing male pattern baldness is to shave their heads.”  The study authors also hypothesize that the perception of men who shave their heads is that they are confident, and that confidence may be perceived as sexy. Other studies have linked the perception of sexiness in men with a deeper voice.

An additional study published in Social Psychology and Personality Science by evolutionary psychologist Dr. Frank Muscarella adds another layer of complexity to this topic, suggesting bald men are perceived as dominant but friendly. “I speculated that male pattern baldness evolved as an appeasement signal and signaled benign, non-threatening dominance,” Dr. Muscarella told the BBC. His research outlines a large body of research suggesting women are attracted to dominant men.

So, what does this mean for balding men? If you’ve tried all 10 ways to stop hair loss to no avail, grab a razor and give a smooth pate a try.

Cutting your nails with clipper

Cutting your nails too often can lead to problems

When you go to a nail salon, do they cut or push back your cuticles? While many professional nail groomers do this, according to the American Academy of Dermatology, it’s one of the biggest no-no’s in nail care. Trimming cuticles can make it easier for bad bacteria to work its way into the nail root, and that could lead to an infection. And that’s not the only mistake people make when trimming their nails.

Soak your nails first

The way you begin and end your nail grooming process is important. Prior to cutting your nails, be sure to soak them in warm water to make them more flexible and easier to work with. (Dermatologists wish you’d stop wasting money on these beauty products.)

Trimming nails

For the most part, nails should be cut cleanly across. A slight curving cut on fingernails is OK, but try that on your toes and you could easily wind up with ingrown toenails. And while you may prefer long nails to shorter ones, that’s not the healthiest choice, dermatologist Shari Lipner, MD, PhD, tells Newswise.com: “Short nails stay cleaner and break less often, which is good for both your appearance and your health.” (Speaking of appearance, find out what it means when you have ridges on your nails.)

Keep your nail tools clean

Another simple error people make all the time is not taking the time to clean their nail care supplies. The AAD advises that the tools you use on your nails should be sterilized monthly with a mixture of water and rubbing alcohol.

Filing nails

When filing your nails, make sure you file in one direction only—don’t go back-and-forth. This makes the ends of your nails even and smooth. This seems like a small, nitpicky detail, but it actually affects the strength of your nails. When you’re all finished, moisturize your hands and nails to keep them strong.

Next, learn about the “healthy” hygiene habits that are actually bad for you.