Washing dishes in the sink

Dishwashers are way more water efficient than your faucet!

The dishwasher is like a magical kitchen creature: feed it dirty dishes and you’ll receive sparkling clean ones in exchange. It’s almost too good to be true, so it must save water to wash dishes by hand, right? It certainly feels like you’d be doing a solid for the environment, but it’s actually more eco-friendly to put down the sponge and use your dishwasher.

It turns out that using your dishwasher is a thousand times better than washing dishes by hand. According to the EPA, the standard flow of a kitchen faucet is 8.3 litres per minute. That’s a lot of water! You’d use an estimated 102 litres by washing an entire dishwasher load by hand. (You should always add this one ingredient to your dishwasher!)

In contrast, ENERGY STAR® dishwashers use no more than 21 litres of water for the entire load (and some of them use as little as 11 litres). Even older dishwashers only use 38 to 58 litres per cycle, which is still half as much water as handwashing. New dishwashers also have sensors that detect how much grime comes off the dishes, using only as much water as required until the water runs clear. You’d have to you wash an entire load of dishes in less than 2.5 minutes to compete with that.

The dishwasher sanitizes your dishes, too.

It’s not just about water conservation, either. The dishwasher can heat your water to extremely hot temperatures–from 140° F to 155° F–which sanitizes the dishes as they’re washed. Even while wearing gloves, I don’t think I could handle water that hot. These high temperatures mean you can stop wasting time (and water) by pre-rinsing your dishes in the sink. Just give them a quick scrape into the trash to remove excess debris and let the dishwasher handle the rest.

No matter how much you use the dishwasher, there will always be items you have hand wash—like your cast iron skillets, that expensive Chef’s knife and any wooden utensil or cutting board. But go ahead and be lazy for the rest of the time: load that dishwasher up, guilt-free. Just make sure to only run it when it’s full. Since it uses the same amount of water regardless of its contents, you’ll save money by loading it up.

These 15 everyday items are dirtier than a toilet seat. Who knew?

Miso paste on wood background

What Is Miso Paste?

You might know miso from a quintessential Japanese appetizer—miso soup. But there’s so much more you can do with miso paste! It’s savoury with rich umami flavour and has many an application in the kitchen. Let’s take a closer look at all the things miso has to offer.

It’s a paste made from fermented soybeans. The soybeans are mixed with salt and koji, a fungus that’s also used to make sake. The blend might also include barley, rice, rye or other grains. To get its unique flavour, the mixture ferments for anywhere from a couple months to years! The longer it ages, the miso paste gets darker and more complex in flavour.

Just a tablespoon of miso paste can add some serious flavour to tofu or a bowl of ramen Not only does miso add a savoury element to your dish, it’s also good for you. Because it’s a fermented seasoning, miso paste contains probiotics, healthy bacteria which may boost your immunity, promote a healthier gut and help alleviate some of the symptoms of depression and anxiety.

Ready to look for miso at the grocery store? Here are some of the different types you’ll come across:

  • White miso or shiromiso. This is the lightest miso and has the mildest flavour.
  • Red miso or akamiso. Red miso sees a longer aging time and has a more pronounced taste and higher salt content than its white counterpart.
  • Mixed miso or awasemiso. Red and white miso come together in this style, yielding a bold flavour

How Do You Cook with Miso Paste?

Miso paste is wonderfully easy to cook with. As an ingredient with a high umami factor, a little miso goes a long way to adding a satisfying, savoury flavour to your dishes, much in the same way as bacon or mushrooms. There are obvious choices, such as slipping a couple of tablespoons of miso into a dressing. The salty paste also makes a killer contribution to meat marinades, especially when paired with other Asian condiments like rice wine vinegar, soy sauce and sesame seed oil. You can also use miso as a solo flavouring.

What exactly makes miso an essential in your pantry? Because of its savoury profile, you can get creative with flavour combinations. You can’t go wrong with miso and ginger with fish. If you have a sweet tooth, a tiny dollop of miso serves as the perfect salty foil to a decadent chocolate or caramel dessert.

Whether you’re a seasoned pro in the kitchen or want to learn a few new tricks, miso paste is an essential ingredient to stock in your kitchen cache!

Next, find out the secret ingredient that totally transforms sweet potatoes!

Robin Raven I had anxiety

I used to have so much anxiety that I couldn’t have even written this article.

…Instead, the chronic worry would have taken over.

Self-sabotage was a side effect of anxiety in so many different situations throughout my life. I even recall having anxiety as a small child. When going to church or school, I felt extremely anxious and found it difficult to talk to other kids. I worried incessantly that I would end up in hell if I made one mistake. I could get anxiety about nearly anything—until I finally found the one thing that worked for me.

The Mayo Clinic reports that common anxiety symptoms include having difficulty controlling worry and having a sense of impending doom, and those things plagued me. My anxiety was a silent force that sabotaged a lot of joy throughout my life. It held me back from so many things throughout my teenage years. Even into my adulthood, anxiety was like a demon that was chasing me, yet somehow always one step ahead of me. Here are 14 more things people with anxiety will understand.

Despite my anxiety, I pursued a career in acting. I moved to Los Angeles and landed roles in television and a movie (I played the role of Dana in the film The Third Nail). I also started my writing career. I was doing what I loved, and yet there was my anxiety, undermining my important moments. I was certainly not alone: According to the Anxiety and Depression Association of America, anxiety disorders are the most prevalent mental health condition in the U.S., and over 40 million adults are afflicted with the condition. (Nicer people are more prone to developing this mental illness—here’s why.)

After some difficulties in my early thirties, my anxiety and accompanying depression were worse than ever. At my lowest point, a new friend finally convinced me to do the one thing that would end up changing everything—the thing I had been resisting for no good reason: I finally accepted that I needed therapy.

My path was not unusual: People with anxiety disorders often resist therapy, feeling they should be able to manage on their own, according to the American Psychological Association (APA). But talk therapy is effective in treating all types of anxiety, the APA points out.

I found a therapist I clicked with, and my sessions quickly led to other forms of self-care: I wrote in my journal every day about my feelings, my worries, and my hopes. I saw a life coach and went to a support group. I also committed to reading personal development books. One that particularly helped was Someone To Talk To by Joyce Houser. Her book led me through the therapy process and helped me stay engaged. I made a habit of recording things I was thankful for each day. I took the time to savour the moments when any of my senses were delighted, and I made a self-care kit for times when I needed comfort. Here are more health benefits of journalling.

One day while I was sitting in therapy, I suddenly realized I hadn’t been anxious in months. I was free! I used to berate myself, yet my self-talk was now gentle. I wasn’t owned by my issues; I owned them by acknowledging and addressing them. It took a lot to get to that point, but the reward was well worth the effort.

Now that I have my anxiety under control, my heart is filled with gratitude. I am able to more fully embrace self-love and self-acceptance. For someone who once lived every moment in emotional torment, I appreciate a feeling of peace, and I’m so happy to be alive in this wonderful world. Next, find out the silent signs you might have high-functioning depression.

Dark-eyed blonde lovely young female with spectacles looks aside as has thoughtful expression and being concentraed on pleasant thoughts, dreams about something pleasant, has appealing appearance.

These are the Most-Searched Synonyms and Antonyms on Thesaurus.com

It happens to even the most fluent of writers, and it’s probably happened to you: All of a sudden the right word seems just out of reach. You know what you want to express—or exactly the opposite of what you want to express—but, to find just the right synonym or antonym, you need to turn to the trusty thesaurus. And, thanks to the Internet, finding the perfect word to convey what you want to say no longer requires a massive book. A plethora of synonyms and antonyms is just a click away. Just make sure that you’re not guilty of any of these hilarious examples of how not to use a thesaurus.

The Internet also makes it easy to find the most popular of these online searches. According to the team at thesaurus.com, the word that people looked up synonyms for most often in 2018 was “good.” In case you’ve considered making the same search yourself, some of the most popular synonyms of “good” are “excellent,” “favourable,” and “satisfactory.” The perfect choice depends on just how “good” whatever you’re describing is!

The thesaurus.com team also compiled the full top 20 synonym searches for the year, and “good” is just the beginning. Half of them are commonly used adjectives, descriptors that could use a little spicing up. In addition to “good,” wordsmiths also looked for synonyms to words like “happy,” “beautiful,” and “great.” “Bad,” the opposite of the number-one word, made the list as well, coming in at number 11. A few verbs made the list, like “find” and “create,” and several of the other words can be both verbs and nouns, such as “experience,” “change,” and “help.” Making the fourth spot on the list is the familiar, but perhaps overused, transition word “however.” Check out the full list below.

1. Good
2. Important
3. Experience
4. However
5. Happy
6. Different
7. Beautiful
8. Help
9. Change
10. Support
11. Bad
12. Great
13. Show
14. Strong
15. Use
16. Amazing
17. Sad
18. Find
19. Love
20. Create

As for antonyms, those popular searches tended to be fewer commonplace words and more conceptual ones. This is most likely because people aren’t necessarily looking to replace a simple, common word with a more interesting one, as they usually are for synonyms, but rather to express something that is very much not a concept that they’re more familiar with. This is why people looked up antonyms for words like “empathy,” “advocate,” and “humble.” (Here are the power words that will make your resume stand out.)

To find this list, we used SEMrush software to find the top 20 search queries, in Google U.S., containing the word “antonym” over the last 12 months. For antonyms, the top search was for opposites of “benefit.” Some of the most popular antonyms for “benefit” as a verb are “hinder,” “worsen,” and “harm.” In noun form, you could use words like “detriment” or “obstruction.” (Check out the hardest words to spell in the English language.)

The adjective form of “benefit,” which is “beneficial,” also makes the list, hitting the tenth spot. Others are words that clearly belong as part of a pair, like “preceding” and “predecessor,” but their opposites are a little lesser-known. The only word to make both lists was, interestingly, “support,” which was the third most searched for antonym and the tenth most popular synonym.

1. Benefit
2. Preceding
3. Support
4. Confident
5. Improve
6. Empathy
7. Exceed
8. Humble
9. Advocate
10. Beneficial
11. Compassion
12. Diverse
13. Lucid
14. Optimistic
15. Predecessor
16. Victim
17. Analyze
18. Benevolent
19. Genuine
20. Inhibit

Now that you’re an expert on 2018’s synonyms and antonyms, boost your word wisdom even more with these words that don’t mean what you think they do.

Diana, Princess of Wales, left, and Britain's Queen Elizabeth II smile to well-wishers outside Clarence House in London

The Royal Family’s Favourite Dish

What do Queen Elizabeth II and Princess Diana have in common with Ronald Reagan? Chef Enrico Delfingher has made them all a dish he calls Queen Victoria Risotto!

He first invented the dish and served it to President Reagan during Cold War talks. Then, when Chef Delfingher was a chef for the royal family from 1987 to 1990, he perfected the recipe for his creamy Queen Victoria Risotto.

The Queen Victoria Risotto is made with Sicilian red shrimp, good Parmesan cheese, bright green herbs and a splash of sparkling wine. (Here are five ways to pair wine and cheese with ease.)

The family preferred creamy risotto for a reason—Queen Elizabeth II does not eat pasta. But risotto is a wonderful stand-in for those craving carbs when dining with Her Majesty.

The dish was served “at important state events at Buckingham Palace and the White House,” Chef Delfingher tells Country Living UK.

How to Prepare a Royal Risotto

The full recipe is top secret, but you should be able to create a good copycat at home. Just start with our take on the hearty chicken and wild mushroom risotto!

Next, here are 13 ways Anthony Bourdain changed the way you eat.


Modern bathroom

Are you making this clogged toilet mistake?

Drain cleaners are readily available over the counter. They’re what some prefer as an inexpensive solution versus the cost of a licensed plumber. While both reasons may seem like a good idea, these products rarely work as promised, and one thing is for sure: these caustic chemical-ladened products can cause damage to your pipes. In addition, many consumers have suffered burns to their eyes and skin when they do not follow the instructions properly. (Here are 30 home improvement hacks you’ll wish you knew sooner.)

The easiest way to remove kitchen and bath sink clogs is to use a snake or a barbed drain cleaning tool. Or, simply remove the P-trap and pour out the clog. But too many DIYers reach for the liquid drain cleaner first and they pour in way more than the recommended amount. That’s a mistake because liquid drain cleaner isn’t the best choice and more certainly isn’t better. In fact, liquid drain cleaner can create more problems than it solves. Here’s why:

  • If the liquid cleaner doesn’t clear the clog, you or your plumber will probably have to remove the trap arm later on and it’ll be filled with caustic corrosive drain cleaner. Won’t that be fun?
  • Using too much drain cleaner, or using it too often, can damage metal traps and pipes, causing leaks.
  • Liquid drain cleaner destroys the rubber gasket used in “mission” style couplings. If you have any of those couplings in your drain lines and you use liquid drain cleaners, you’ll damage them, causing leaks in the future.

No liquid drain cleaner should ever be used in rubber pipes or pipes that have been repaired with rubber couplers. (Don’t miss these signs you’re about to hire a bad contractor.)

Instead you can try a bacterial drain cleaner. Sounds scary but it’s not. Whether it’s hair, grease or food, some sort of organic matter causes most drain clogs. Fortunately, there’s a type of bacteria that breaks down organic matter in your drains. Add the bacteria to your drains and it will consume organic matter which helps prevent clogs. You can buy drain-cleaning bacteria in granular or liquid form.

Bacterial drain cleaner is noncorrosive so it won’t harm pipes, and the bacteria won’t interfere with the bacteria in your septic system. Follow the instructions on the package. Add the bacteria when drains won’t be used, like right before everybody goes to bed, to allow it time to work. Drain and trap cleaner is available at home centres and hardware stores. A package should last several months, depending on how many drains you treat.

Next, check out these six bathroom renovation tips from the experts.

Windsor home of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle

Inside the royal couple’s new home

Meghan Markle and Prince Harry are leaving London. Causing something of a stir among royal watchers, they’ve decided to make their home at Frogmore Cottage on the Frogmore estate in the grounds of Windsor Castle. The cottage is a personal gift from the Queen.

Located about an hour’s drive from London, and about 2.5 kilometres from Windsor castle itself, Frogmore cottage has been home to several people with royal connections. These include the Grand Duchess of Xenia Romanov from Russia, and Abdul Karim (the subject of the 2017 film Victoria and Abdul), as well as members of the British royal family. (Here are 50 more things you didn’t know about the royal family.)

It was named Frogmore because the low-lying marshy surroundings are home to dozens of noisy frogs, something that disgusted Queen Victoria when she visited.

But what is Frogmore Cottage like and what do the young royals intend to do with it? Of course, the precise plans are a closely guarded secret, but we do know that the cottage is Grade II listed (meaning there are some restrictions on how this historic building can be renovated), it has two stories, and a white stucco exterior.

There’s a rumour that it was in a rather poor state. It had previously been divided into five staff apartments so it needs some serious work to convert it into a suitable family home. Naturally, security around the cottage has been stepped up from a simple ‘Private’ sign on the gate to a state-of-the-art security system including cameras.

No one is quite sure how many bedrooms will be included (although five seems likely) and it’s whispered that there may be a gym and yoga studio. (This is why Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s baby won’t get a royal title.)

But we do know that the Royal Lodge at Windsor has a superb playhouse, beloved by generations of royal children. And one thing is certain—there’s bound to be a nursery at Frogmore Cottage for the much-anticipated new arrival!

Like every young couple, we’re sure that Meghan Markle and Prince Harry will be putting their own stamp on the renovations, creating a lovely family cottage that’s the home of their dreams.

Next, check out these rarely seen photos of the British royal family.

Empty open electric oven

Here’s What You’ll Need

It requires more than a little effort to chip away at caked-on oven grime, but thanks to the ingenuity of a group of Australian mothers, your most dreaded chore just got a whole lot easier. This life hack will show you how to clean your oven without feeling like you’ve just stepped out of the gym on arm day. (It’s cost-efficient, too!)

The beauty of this hack is that it doesn’t require too many materials and most of the ingredients can be found around the house. All you’ll need is:

  • Aluminum foil
  • Dishwasher tablets
  • Hot water and a bathtub to put it all in.

The aluminum foil reacts to the disintegrating tablet, practically melting off that post-Christmas dinner mess! Now, the hack does take a minimum of two hours, but the payoff of a brand new oven makes it worth the wait. (Does your kitchen sponge smell? Here’s how to clean it.)

The Whole How-To

Begin by collecting all the removable parts of the oven, which includes the racks and trays. You can even remove the glass window if you’re careful. Next, you’ll need to wrap each piece individually in aluminum foil before submerging them in the bathtub of hot water. If you can’t keep the piece fully submerged, you’ll want to find some weight to put on top. After that, drop a dishwasher tablet on top of each, and voila! (You should always add this one ingredient to your dishwasher.)

After two hours, years of grease and grime will just fall away. If you have some mess that’s a little more stubborn, it shouldn’t take more than a quick wipe to get back that brand new shine. If you want to maximize your results, let the concoction sit for a little longer.

Does It Really Work?

If you’re not so sure about this method, you’re not the only one. Luckily, plenty of satisfied users have posted their glowing results on Facebook, and the hack has been given a universal thumbs up. With no damage sustained by the bathtub and a glittery like-new oven, what’s not to love? If you’d like to give this hack a try, we encourage you to share your results on Facebook and join a community of hackers making life just a little bit easier.

Next, check out these 11 brilliant cleaning shortcuts lazy people will appreciate.

gEmpty open electric oven

Choosing ripe oranges

Grocery Buying Guide: How to Choose Ripe Oranges at the Supermarket

There’s nothing better than bringing home a bag of juicy, ripe oranges for baking, drinking, or just nibbling. Packed with vitamin C and antioxidants, oranges are a sweet and delicious treat year-round. (You can also put them to work all around the house with these clever new uses for oranges.) But how do you get the perfect ripe orange no matter the season? Here are some secrets to ensuring the most delicious picks:

1. Give ’em a squeeze

Generally, the tastiest orange—whatever the variety—will be firm, full-coloured, smooth and thin-skinned. As you would with most fruits and veggies, steer clear of oranges that are too soft, show even the smallest signs of mold, or feel as though they have bruises. Don’t be afraid of slight scratches or marks on the skin; this is called “wind scarring,” which happens when fruit rubs against the tree branches during windy weather.

2. Go for heft

When you pick one up, you should feel a good amount of weight in your hand, like a small sports ball. This heaviness indicates how much juice is in your orange. Don’t be afraid to give it a sniff. The sweetest and ripest fruits will emit the scent of their juices through the skin.

3. Choose the season’s best

Make sure to pick a variety that is in season. Navel oranges, for example, taste freshest from midwinter to early spring. Valencias are their juicy best from late spring to midsummer. And blood oranges are in their prime from early winter until early spring. (These brilliant hacks can shave 25% off of your grocery bill!)

4. Consider the colour

No matter the variety, your orange should be a bright colour. With navels, look for a vivid, solid orange hue. Ripe Valencias might still have a greenish tinge, as they reabsorb chlorophyll while hanging on the tree during warmer months.

5. Store them properly

Use oranges as a cheery accent on your table (they’ll keep at room temperature for up to a week), or store in your refrigerator for up to two weeks. (Here are 20 foods you’re spoiling by putting in the fridge.)

Use these tips to keep fruits and vegetables fresh for longer!

Pop tastes better in glass bottles

Ever notice that pop tastes better in glass bottles? Here’s why!

There’s nothing quite like taking the first cold sip of pop after opening a bottle. But have your taste buds ever noticed the slight flavour difference between drinking the same soda out of an aluminum can versus a plastic bottle or a glass bottle? They’re not all the same and there is actually a scientific reason for that. (Find out how these surprising foods actually trick your taste buds!)

Pop companies claim that the recipe of their drinks doesn’t change depending on the way they package it. But what does change is the material of the package, and that can alter the taste—and while it’s not by much, some people can detect a slight difference.

Plastic is much more CO2-permeable than glass and aluminum, meaning that the carbon dioxide, or fizz, will leak out of a plastic bottle much faster than a glass bottle or can. Have you ever noticed that the litre of cola sitting on top of your fridge doesn’t taste that great after a few weeks, even if it hasn’t been opened? Plastic bottles also have an acetaldehyde lining, which can transfer into the flavour of the drink giving it a slight “plastic-y” taste. Here are 50 more reasons to stop using plastic.

Pop in a glass bottle will stay fresher longer because it’s much harder for CO2 to escape through it. Your pop won’t go flat and will taste delicious when you open it. The one downside to glass bottles is that they’re more expensive and you won’t get as much pop. But, you could always stick with aluminum cans, which are also much less permeable than plastic, and just pour your pop into a glass cup. Next, read about the real reason the Coca Cola logo is red.