Dog sledding in Alberta

Canadian Dog Sledding Memories

About 30 years ago, my husband David and I along with our daughter Amy moved from Southern Manitoba to Cold Lake, Alta. Almost immediately, we met some people who were dog mushers. David was always looking for adventure and a challenge, so we were soon the proud owners of three Alaskan huskies and a sled.

After that our dog count continued to expand—to 27! Amy was in her early teens and often joined David in working with the dog teams. One winter, our friends Dave and Micheline invited us to participate in a fun run—a gathering of local mushers with their children, dogs and sleds. These families gathered to try out various local trails. David took a team of our sled dogs for a run, then at sundown, Amy was offered a chance to try the shorter eight-mile trail. The temperature was cold, about -35°C, but the short trail seemed like a good quick run at the end of the day. Years later, Amy wrote about her experience. I would like to share her story in her own words. (These cool Canadian travel destinations put the “win” back in winter.)

My family and I enjoyed running the sled dogs. This particular day of the fun run was a typically cold day in Northern Alberta—a day that would make icicles hang from noses and require many layers of clothing against the chill. The truck ride out to Dave and Micheline’s place was uneventful, but as we drove into their yard all the dogs barked loudly and excitedly! We were told the wind was particularly cold on the frozen ponds that day, but stubborn as I was, I thought nothing of it.

When my turn came, I had full confidence in my dog team knowing they were familiar with the eight-mile trail that we were to take. Little did I realize that by the end of the night, confidence in my team would change into deep respect and a trust that could never be challenged.

My father and I hooked up our three-dog team to the sled while he instructed me to be careful and to keep as warm as possible. After these and other words of encouragement, I was off—my dogs eagerly pulling me towards the sunset. (Check out the story of how an adopted dog changes her adventurous owners’ lives for the better.)

Everyone had been right in saying it was windy, and I’d underestimated how much that wind had blown the snow around during the day. Everything was going smoothly until the team rounded the corner where the 12-mile trail branched off my path. The wind had scattered snow over the trail we were on and my dogs were unsure where to run. Seeing that the 12-mile track was clearer, my team began to wander over there. It was at this point that I began to worry. Sinking my snow brake into the ice and snow as best I could, I quickly grabbed my lead dog, Cody, to show him the correct trail. Unfortunately, the trail was snowed over so badly that he couldn’t see it. Quickly realizing that I wouldn’t be able to lead him farther down the trail, I made the decision that would change everything—we started down the 12-mile trail. It was unfamiliar and with the sun now completely set, I was scared.

My father’s words echoed in my mind, “Stay warm!” I looked around for my warmer pair of gloves and saw them resting safely in the basket of my sled. Before putting my gloves on, however, I thought I’d give turning the dogs around one more try. Once again planting the snow brake into the hard-packed snow, I proceeded to turn my team around. Just as I drew parallel to Cody, another team member jerked the line and the brake broke loose. As the sled whizzed by me I made a frantic grab for it, but missed. It was at that moment I began to pray. So many thoughts went through my mind. I thought of my parents and what they must be thinking as my arrival back at the yard was delayed; would I get back alive?

I consider what happened next to be a miracle. The snow hook (a steel hook that acts as an emergency brake) caught on an exposed tree root and the dogs stopped. Trembling and heavily clothed, I ran as fast as I could, managing to hop onto the sled just as the brake released, and we were off again—I held on for dear life! Not being able to hold back tears, I cried a lot in the next little while, not knowing where I was or if we were even on the trail. My huskies ran on into the night.

What I saw next can only be compared to a parched man in a burning desert who sees an oasis. I didn’t believe it at first, but there it was, a light in the distance. A gleaming light in a yard that beckoned my team and me to safety. I knew I had to try with all my might to get the dog team off this dark, frozen trail and into that yard. As though reading my mind, Cody immediately headed into the ditch, across a road, down the lane and straight to the farmhouse. I saw a burly, bundled-up man coming towards me and my only thought was of getting warm. The big man was kind as he asked me some questions but, realizing that I was too cold to answer him, he sent me into the house and then took care of the dogs and sled.

Soon, the kind stranger returned to the house and immediately put a pot of water on to boil. He asked me where I came from and I finally managed to give him Dave and Micheline’s names. I heard him talking on the phone but could only focus on the steaming teacup that I was gingerly holding with my white-tipped fingers.

I’d come so close to giving up in the dark, freezing night that it almost seemed unreal when I saw Dave and Micheline’s truck pulling into the yard to pick me up. The looks of relief on their kind faces reassured me that everything was going to be all right. I was headed back to my family, friends and a good hot meal.

Check out 5 Photographs That Prove Canada is the Perfect Winter Destination!

Young couple eating

Can Your Zodiac Sign Predict Your Love Life?

Are you a horoscope skeptic? Get ready to believe! While these signs go by many names—including astrological, zodiac, or sun signs—they can impact your life in legitimate ways. That’s especially true when it comes to your romantic compatibility, according to professional astrologer Rachel Lang.

Here’s how it works: Your sign is determined by the position of the sun at the time of your birth. According to astrologers, your sun sign is immensely important when it comes to who you are and how you mesh with other people. “Your sun sign is your juice,” Lang told Brit+Co. “It gives the basis for your personality.” (This is your ideal vacation, according to your zodiac sign.)

In addition to certain personality traits, each sign is linked to an element (either air, fire, earth, or water) as well as qualities that can be fixed, cardinal, or mutable. The compatibility of those elements and qualities can reveal whether or not you’ll hit it off with a romantic interest. In other words, if your sign’s element jives with your partner’s sign’s element, you could have great potential compatibility. (This is the most intelligent zodiac sign, according to astrologists.)

Of course, that’s not the only way to predict the success of a relationship. “Your sign shows who you relate with, feel at home with, and get along with,” Lang said. “But there’s astrology—then there’s upbringing, life factors, and beliefs that help determine compatibility.” (This will be the healthiest zodiac sign of 2018.)

Translation? If you’re in a relationship with someone whose sign is technically incompatible with yours—don’t sweat it! Sometimes, a relationship between incompatible signs can even be positive. “We all seek relationships with tension,” Lang said. “That’s why you can have a relationship with someone of any sign: We all have strengths and weaknesses and things that make us different. We grow through challenge and conflict.”

These are the luckiest days of the year to do everything, according to numerology.

Car idling

Car Idling Is Illegal in These American States

Those who live in colder climates know how unpleasant it can be to hop in a cold car in the morning: Your hands get chilly on the ice-cold steering wheel, your nose starts to chill, and your bum is freezing on the cold winter seat. It’s tempting to run outside and start the ignition to let you car warm up for a few minutes while you gather the rest of your belongings—and even more appealing if you have a newer car with a remote starter to use it. As tempting as it to get your car warm and toasty ahead of time, doing so could get you in hot water with the law. Not only that, you could be damaging your engine in the process.

No, lawmakers don’t want you to freeze in your car in the morning. Anti-idling laws exist with a much bigger purpose in mind: to prevent air pollution. Penalties and exact anti-idling measures depend on the American state, city or county, with punishments ranging from fines to written warnings. A complete guide to idling measures in your state can be found on the EPA’s website.

States with anti-idling laws include:

  • Arizona
  • California
  • Colorado
  • Connecticut
  • Delaware
  • District of Columbia
  • Georgia
  • Hawaii
  • Illinois
  • Louisiana
  • Maine
  • Maryland
  • Massachusetts
  • Minnesota
  • Missouri
  • Nevada
  • New Hampshire
  • New Jersey
  • New York
  • Ohio
  • Oregon
  • Pennsylvania
  • Rhode Island
  • South Carolina
  • Texas
  • Utah
  • Vermont
  • Virginia
  • Washington
  • Wisconsin
  • Wyoming

In Canada, more than 20 municipalities nationwide have implemented bylaws that require drivers to turn off their ignition after three consecutive minutes idling in a 60-minute period. According to National Resources Canada, CO2 emissions could be reduced by 1.4 million tonnes annually if Canadian motorists avoided idling for three minutes every day of the year.

Not only is idling potentially harmful to the environment, but it could also lead to mechanical problems. No one enjoys sitting in a cold car, but Popular Mechanics advises that the process of warming up your car “does not prolong the life of your engine; in fact, it decreases it by stripping oil away from the engine’s cylinders and pistons.”

So there you have it: There’s no benefit to warming up any modern day car model. If you still insist on warming it up though, it should be for no more than 30 seconds since the engine warms faster when you’re actually driving the car.

Now that you’re in the know about car idling, find out how to defrost your windshield in five minutes, and, yes, a faster, easier way to remove snow from your car exists.

Man with unhealthy work habits

Why North Americans Have Unhealthy Work Habits

Successful work habits don’t involve leaving unused vacation days or wolfing down sandwiches at your desk. Unfortunately, North Americans are known for these unhealthy work habits. So, what do other nations do differently that North American-based companies can embrace to reduce their employee’s stress levels and improve their work/life balance?

Set Limits

In Europe, for example, the Working Time Directive states that employees in the European Union cannot work more than 48 hours a week. If you’re the boss, set an example by leaving the office at a reasonable hour, ideally between 5 and 6 p.m. Give yourself a hard deadline—arrange a meeting with a friend, reserve a spot at a fitness class, or buy a ticket for an earlier train—so you won’t be tempted to stay longer.

Take Your Vacation Days

In Sweden, workers get five weeks of paid vacation a year—and they use them. Not only do Americans get the fewest vacation days—usually two weeks per year—but according to Glassdoor, most of us don’t even use all of them. One company, InspireHUB Inc., in Dallas, is trying to change that culture. “We offer our staff unlimited vacation, and our Canadian employees enjoy things like a year off for maternity,” says company Co-Founder Karolyn Hart. “Employers need to understand the competitive advantages they receive from having employees who are well-rested. You get a better quality of work.” (Here’s the awesome reason why people in Sweden only work six hours per day.)

Work Less to Be More Productive

In 2015, nine of the top ten most productive countries in the Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), an intergovernmental economic organization with 35 member countries, were in Europe. The United States ranked sixth. Data published by CNBC confirms that more time off doesn’t mean lower productivity in the job market.

A recent Project: Time Off survey of more than 7,000 Americans found 43 per cent of workers didn’t take vacations because they feared returning to tons of work. However, medical experts recommend employees take a vacation (at least) twice a year to improve their overall health by reducing their stress levels. (Here’s how you can avoid the post-vacation blues.)

Time Off Doesn’t Have to Mean Vacation

Daniel Kraciun, CMO of Cleveland-based .JOBS, says the majority of American companies that he works with include paid time off, and other perks, as part of their compensation negotiations. “We see the exact opposite in competitors from other countries, where a minimum can be set to as much as four weeks. Some countries outside of the United States offer travel stipends and extra time off for volunteer work. Implementing these types of incentives creates a work culture that embraces time away from the office.”

Leave the Office

In France, Spain, Greece, and other countries, lunch breaks can last an hour or more—and rarely take place in front of a computer screen, according to Travel & Leisure. Recently, Canadian-based company CBRE Ltd., made a new company policy that banned eating at your desk. As a result, employees have been more productive throughout their workday.

If you can’t make time for a walk or another break during the day, at least avoid eating lunch at your desk. According to, humans weren’t meant to sit all day long, so grab food from down the street or eat your lunch outside and enjoy nature. As a bonus, getting up and moving promotes creative thinking.

Some of the greatest thinkers in the world had this productivity trick in common.

Can you pass this IQ test

Take the world’s shortest IQ test

So, you might have a dark sense of humour or tend to be judgmental—all signs of intelligence, according to science. But how smart are you, really? The Cognitive Reflection Test (CRT), also known as the world’s shortest IQ test, claims it only takes three questions to tell if you’re a genius.

Developed in 2005 by Princeton psychologist Shane Frederick, the quiz assesses your ability to process information slowly and rationally, rather than jumping to quick conclusions. “In order to succeed in the CRT, you must spend time reflecting on your answer and question your intuitive response,” IFL Science explains.

Before you get started, we’ll give you a quick hint: the questions might not be as easy as they first seem. A 2005 study found that students attending some of the nation’s most prestigious universities (including Harvard and Yale) failed to get all three of these questions correct; only 17 per cent received a perfect score.

Think you have what it takes to ace the world’s shorted IQ test? Give it a shot! Here are the three questions:

1. A bat and a ball cost $1.10 in total. The bat costs $1 more than the ball. How much does the ball cost?

2. If it takes five machines five minutes to make five widgets, how long would it take 100 machines to make 100 widgets?

3. In a lake, there is a patch of lily pads. Every day, the patch doubles in size. If it takes 48 days for the patch to cover the entire lake, how long would it take for the patch to cover half of the lake?

Check out the answers below, and best of luck! By the way, these weird habits prove you’re smarter than most, too.


  1. $0.05. If you guessed 10 cents, you’re not alone. However, if that were the case, the bat and ball would cost $1.20—not $1.10. On the other hand, purchasing a 5 cent ball and a bat priced at $1.05 (which is $1 more expensive than 5 cents) would total $1.10, instead.
  2. Five minutes. Although you might have answered 100 minutes, the actual time is a little less than that. Since the question reveals that it would take five minutes for one widget machine to make one widget, you can determine that it would take five minutes for 100 widget machines to make 100 widgets.
  3. 47 days. At first, your gut might tell you it would take 24 days. But remember: Since the area of the lake covered in lily pads doubles every day, a patch that covers half the lake would fully cover it in just one day. Subtract one day from 48 days, and what do you get? 47 days.

[Source: IFL Science]

These 14 Weird Brain Exercises Can Help Make You Smarter!

Healthiest zodiac sign

What is the Healthiest Zodiac Sign of 2018?

January 1 isn’t just any old day on the calendar. As the first day of the new year, it promises plenty of exciting possibilities for love, prosperity, and well-being—and odds are, you’re dreaming of all three as you write up your New Year’s resolutions for 2018. (Discover how to make your new year’s fitness resolution stick.)

And why not? Whether you’re hoping to land a dream job or take a significant step in your romantic life, there’s a lot in store for you based on your horoscope. But according to Susan Miller of Astrology Zone, one zodiac sign in particular will be ultra-focused on their fitness this year. (Find out what happens to your body when you start walking 10,000 steps a day.)

“In terms of health and fitness, it’s Gemini,” Miller told Well+Good. “They’re going to look gorgeous. Jupiter is in the house of health and fitness this year, and they’re going to be motivated.”

In other words, Jupiter’s placement in the sky this year will fuel your drive to get moving. As a matter of fact, Miller said, that newfound motivation might even lead you to splurge on some new workout clothes or a luxury gym membership. All in the name of wellness, right? (Follow these tips to help speed up your metabolism.)

Of course, anyone can have a healthier 2018, regardless of what the stars have to say about it.

Check out 7 Household Items that Are Fitness Equipment in Disguise.

Writing left-handed

The Science Behind Being Left-Handed

Raise your hand if you’re a lefty. Congrats! Being left-handed has some surprising perks, including higher levels of creativity and ambition. (Don’t miss all of the benefits of being left-handed.) As a bonus, just 10 to 12 per cent of the world’s population is left-handed—making you a rare commodity, too.

Bragging rights aside, why are people left-handed in the first place? A new study published in the journal eLife might have finally discovered the reason behind this fascinating quirk.

Previous research has suggested that left-handedness is due to genetic differences in the brain. But according to scientists at Ruhr-Universitat Bochum, the spinal cord determines one’s dominant hand, instead.

To reach these findings, the German researchers recruited mothers who were eight to 12 weeks pregnant and examined the gene expression in their babies’ spinal cords. Here’s what they discovered: The motor cortex (which controls arm and hand movements via signals to the brain) and the spinal cord do not connect until the 15th week of pregnancy. However, babies show signs of right or left-handedness at just eight weeks. This suggests that the brain can’t control hand preferences; it must be the spinal chord, instead.

Translation? Your dominant hand is determined by genetic differences in your spinal chord before you are even born. So if you’re a proud lefty, you now have science-backed proof that your genes are extra-special.

Want more facts on rarities? Check out these strange facts about redheads!

Statis dermatitis

1. Don’t stand or sit around too long

“Stasis dermatitis is caused by poor vein circulation in the lower legs,” says Melanie Palm, MD, MBA, a board-certified dermatologist and cosmetic surgeon at Art of Skin MD, in San Diego. “Excessive standing or sitting could worsen the condition.” (Here are 10 things that happen to your body when you start walking 10,000 steps a day.)

2. Get moving

Exercise has benefits for stasis dermatitis patients, too. “I counsel my patients that wherever they are, they should be pumping their legs and doing calf raises,” says Mohiba Tareen, MD, a dermatologist at Tareen Dermatology. “This helps the veins pump the blood back to the heart. You will often see me standing in line at the grocery store or speaking on the phone and doing my ‘covert’ leg exercises to prevent leaky veins!”

3. Try compression hose

“Consistent use of compression hose is essential,” Dr. Palm says. “Thigh high varieties are far better than knee-high. Long-term control of stasis dermatitis often involves wearing graduated compression stockings to help assist the return of fluid from the lower leg back to the circulation.” (Learn about varicose veins and the treatment options available.)

4. Put your feet up

“Get used to sleeping with your legs elevated on several pillows,” Dr. Tareen says. “We sleep for six to eight hours a day and keeping the blood flowing while asleep is a great bonus!” (Here are five ways to protect your arteries from a fatty meal.)

5. Try some supplements

“Patients may consider supplementing their diet with rutin and vitamin C, both of which help with overall vein health,” Dr. Palm says. (Find out the secrets for healthy, glowing skin.)

6. Lose weight

Excess weight—especially obesity—can lead to the leaky veins that cause venous stasis dermatitis. (This is the absolute best diet for weight loss!)

7. Slather on the moisturizer

“My main message to individuals with stasis dermatitis is to moisturize and keep the skin healthy with simple topicals with few allergens such as Vaseline, Vanicream, or Cerave products,” Dr. Tareen advises. “If the itch is still not going away, judicious use of topical steroids under the direction of your doctor may help.” (Pamper yourself with these simple, homemade facial masks.)

8. Watch out for foods that cause you to retain fluids

Foods that are high in sodium can cause you to retain water—we’re talking fast food and processed foods like lunch meat, crackers, chips, canned vegetables, and soups. (You may look crazy doing these things to lose weight, but they’ll actually work for you!)

9. Try laser therapy

To heal your stasis dermatitis treatment permanently, medical intervention may be necessary. “The real cause is the deep veins that have become incompetent over time,” Dr. Tareen says. “The skin is really an ‘innocent bystander’ that becomes inflamed and ulcerated from the chronic pressure of the leaky veins. Thus all therapy must be directed at the root cause—fixing the veins. There are great advances in laser therapy for incompetent deep veins.”

Check out 33 Secrets Hospitals Don’t Want to Tell You (But Every Patient Should Know).

Germany's powerful passport

This Country Now Has the Most Powerful Passport

Among the things you should always pack in your carry-on luggage, a passport is chief among them. It’s the one foolproof way to get in and out of the country, after all. But before you zip off to an exotic land, you should know that not all passports are created equal.

Why, you ask? Turns out, the passport you own determines whether or not you need a visa to enter the country. Take a U.S. passport, for example. If you want to visit Chile, you can simply present your passport at the Chilean border. But Americans travelling to Brazil must apply for a visa before they can enter the country.

That said, some passports allow you to enter more countries without a visa than others. Want to know how your passport fares? Using data from the International Air Transport Association, the 2018 Henley Passport Index has ranked every country’s passport from most to least powerful, based on how many countries it would give a citizen access to without a visa.

For the fifth year in a row, Germany has the world’s most powerful passport, according to the Index. Citizens of the European country can now visit 177 nations—one more than last year. While a previous ranking gave Singapore the top spot, Germany has dethroned the Lion City on that list, too.

At the end of the day, nothing ruins a vacation more than getting turned away at customs. So before you book a trip to your dream destination, make sure you don’t need a visa to enter the country (or submit the proper paperwork if you do!) These airport mistakes could ruin your vacation, too.

Here’s what your passport colour really means.