Mysterious object

Mystery Object of the Month: What Is It?

“I found this gadget in a second-hand store. Nobody knew what it was used for,“ writes Virginia Cahill of Abottsford, B.C. “It measures 10 inches in length and the basket is only three inches wide. The basket has a hinge at the top that opens it and a loop that slides to keep it closed. Any idea as to what it could be?”

What do you think? Can you help Virginia solve this mystery?

Share your answers in the comments below or by sending them in through Our Canada’s submissions site (please identify it as an entry for “What Is It?”).

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Got a catchy caption for this photo?

Lillian Kennedy of Maces Bay, N.B., shares this hilarious pic taken at Kingsbrae Gardens in St. Andrews, New Brunswick. The two adult llamas flanking the baby llama seem to be protecting her.

Share your funny one-liners for this photo in the comments section below or through Our Canada’s submissions site (please identify it as an entry for Caption Corner)!

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