Mysterious object

Mystery Object of the Month: What is it?

“I bought a little house last October and found this item in one of the outbuildings on the property,” says Nancy Walline of McBride, B.C. “It’s made of glass and either tin or aluminum, and measures 8-1⁄2 inches in length and 2 inches in diameter.”

What do you think? Can you help Nancy solve this mystery?

Submit your answers in the comments below or by sending them in through Our Canada’s submissions site (please identify it as an entry for “What Is It?”).

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Funny moose photo

Got a catchy caption for this photo?

Peggy Bennett of Kippens, N.L., writes, “This moose visited the bog behind our house several years ago. The photo is funny because it looks as though the moose has huge antlers, but those are actually dead trees behind him!”

Send your funny one-liners for this photo through the comments below or through Our Canada’s submissions site (please identify it as an entry for Caption Corner)!

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