5 Brilliant April Fool’s Day Pranks You Need to Try

See if you can pull off these simple DIY gags this April Fool’s Day.

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DIY April Fool's Day pranks
Photo: Shutterstock

Big Mess

Make a splash this April Fool’s Day. Fill two glasses with water. Place a laminated sheet on top, flip them upside-down on a table, and pull the sheet out from underneath the cups. Anyone who discovers the upturned vessels won’t be able to move them without creating a puddle.

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Photo: Shutterstock

No Touch

Bring a new appliance into the office, like a toaster or micro­wave. Stick a sign on the machine that says, “Voice activated,” and see if anyone tries to use it hands-free.

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Brown construction paper
Photo: Shutterstock

Food for Thought

Cut out several letter E’s from brown construction paper and place them on a plate. Tell everyone there are fresh brown E’s waiting in the kitchen. Want to work with real food? Try out these April Fool’s Day recipes instead!

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Wireless keyboard
Photo: Shutterstock

Phantom of the Office

This is the perfect way pull an April Fool’s Day prank on a gullible co-worker. Arrive early to the office with a wireless keyboard. Pair your co-worker’s computer with the device, but leave their regular keyboard in place. Control their computer from your own desk and watch how they react when the machine seemingly takes on a life of its own.

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SUV in underground parking lot
Photo: Shutterstock

Duly Noted

Be prepared to splurge a little on heaps of sticky notes for this April Fool’s Day gag. The victim of this prank must have a car parked in an accessible location for at least an hour. Use the sticky notes to cover their vehicle in a pattern of your choice. Cross your fingers that once they discover your masterpiece, they’ll be willing to take a drive and show it off.

Need more inspiration? Find more prank ideas here or look for more of our April Fool’s day stories here.

Reader's Digest Canada
Originally Published in Reader's Digest Canada

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