Number of servings : Prep time: Cooking time: Type of meal : | Beverages/Cocktails | Beverages/Cocktails Special diet : Ingredients
Number of servings :
Prep time:
Cooking time:
Type of meal : | Beverages/Cocktails | Beverages/Cocktails
Special diet :
3-4 cinnamon sticks
2 bottles red wine
2 tbsp whole cloves
2 c sugar, or to taste
2 tbsp whole cardamom
sliced almonds
6-8 slices fresh ginger
2 tbsp dried orange peel
½ L cognac
- Combine above and pour into a mason jar with lid and let sit for 48 hours.
- Strain spices and pour cognac into a large pot that will also hold the bottles of red wine.
- Warm and add enough sugar to enhance the flavours, but not enough to make it sweet.
- Keep warm and serve in heat resistant glasses; garnish with sliced almonds.
Nutritional information:
Imported on 2011-01-20 20:26:46 — Original ID:3434