5 Highly Effective Home Remedies For Canker Sores

Got antacid, teabags and aloe vera handy? They're just a few of the everyday items that can help treat canker sores.

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Need to treat a canker sore? Reach for an antacid tablet!

Munch a chewable Pepto-Bismol, Tums, or Rolaids tablet or put it on the canker sore and allow it to dissolve. The pain you feel from a canker sore is caused by acids and digestive enzymes eating into the tissue in the sore. The tablets will neutralize the acids and may also speed healing. Check the label for dosage directions.

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Tea bags
Photo: Shutterstock

How to use tea bags for canker sores

Apply a damp tea bag to the canker sore for five minutes. Tea is alkaline, so it neutralizes acids. It also contains astringent compounds, which may help relieve the pain.

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Treat canker sores with echinacea

Echinacea is a herb thought to boost the immune system. Take 200 mg two or three times a day as soon as you first notice the sore.

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Treat canker sores with aloe vera
Photo: Shutterstock

Relieve canker sore pain with aloe vera

The sap of aloe vera can bring welcome relief from canker sore pain. Squeeze a bit of gel from an aloe vera leaf. Dry the ulcer with a cotton bud, then dab on the gel. Repeat as often as you like.

Here are eight more medicinal plants you can grow at home.

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Treat canker sores with vitamin E
Photo: Shutterstock

Vitamin E can help treat a canker sore

Cut open a vitamin E capsule and squeeze some of the oil onto the canker sore several times a day.

Next, check out 30+ old-time home remedies that actually work.

Originally Published in 1,801 Home Remedies

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