8 Earache Remedies—and Which Ones Are Worth Trying

It’s a common health mystery: Why does your ear hurt? And, more importantly, how do you stop the pain? We asked an expert to weigh in on natural and home remedies that may (or may not) offer relief.

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White towel
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1. Heat or Warm Compress

“The most tried and true natural remedy is heat or warm compresses,” shares Brandon Hopkins, MD, at the Head and Neck Institute at The Cleveland Clinic. Make sure the compress is warm, but not too hot. The heat will help blood circulation and work to decrease the pain. “Other indications it is time to see a doctor are if you have a high spiking fever over 102 that doesn’t come down with Tylenol or ibuprofen or if you are generally ill–not eating or drinking,” warns Dr. Hopkins. “Also if the ear pain is not relieved by Tylenol or ibuprofen or using heat, then you should seek medical care.”

Get wax out of your ear by trying these simple home remedies.

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Apple cider vinegar
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2. Vinegar or Apple Cider Vinegar

Lately, apple cider vinegar has been having a health renaissance. People use it on their hair, skin, and drink it to help with the immune system. But Dr. Hopkins isn’t sure this is such a tried and true method when it comes to earache remedies. He adds that vinegar and apple cider vinegar may be helpful in loosening ear wax before removal, so if your earache is from a clogged up ear, then try adding a few drops of vinegar to your ear, then letting it drip out onto a washcloth. (No, you really can’t put a Q-Tip in there.)

Here are 9 Myths About Apple Cider Vinegar You Should Stop Believing Right Now.

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Baby oil and Q-tips
Photo: Shutterstock

3. Mineral Oils

Some earache remedies don’t hold universal cure for all earaches because there are many different types of ear pain.  “I don’t commonly recommend using mineral oils to treat ear pain, although I do recommend mineral oil upon occasion if the pain is caused by dry, cracked skin in the ear canal,” shares Dr. Hopkins. So it’s important to figure out why your ear is bothering you. Some tips to this: Outer ear infections come with a lot of pain, such as when you tug at your ear. “Middle ear infections typically do not come with pain when the ear is wiggled,” says Dr. Hopkins. A more serious ear infection will also be accompanied by a fever, cold, sinus problems, or a cough.

Check out these 25 Ways to Beat a Cold!

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4. Echinacea

Many people pop echinacea at the first sign of a cold since it’s known for boosting the immune system. While Hopkins says there is no clinical evidence that this works to alleviate ear pain, it shouldn’t hurt.

Try echinacea and these other effective remedies to soothe a sore throat.

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Xylitol gum
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5. Xylitol Gum

Xylitol is a sweet substance that can be found in chewing gum and lozenges. A recent study in 2016 by the National Center for Biotechnology Information looked into whether this type of gum is helpful with earaches in children up to the age of 12. According to the study, chewing this type of gum does help with acute middle ear infections, as long as there is no respiratory infection present.

Here are five things to ease the earache.

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6. Garlic

Dr. Hopkins says there is no actual proof or evidence that garlic makes the list for earache remedies. But garlic contains a compound called allicin, which is full of antioxidants and has some amazing health benefits. Allicin and garlic drops are available at many health and nutrition stores to make it easier, and less smelly, to use in earaches.

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Hair dryer
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7. Hair Dryer

Once again, this remedy works only on certain types of earaches. “For swimmers, as a preventative measure, I recommend keeping your ear canal dry to prevent infections such as swimmer’s ear; you can even use a hair dryer from six to eight inches away to dry the ear after swimming,” shares Dr. Hopkins. “However, it is always a good idea to talk first with your pediatrician to come up with the best plan of what to do when your child has an earache.”

Here’s why you should never share your earbuds with anyone.

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Hydrogen peroxide
Photo: Shutterstock

8. Hydrogen Peroxide

This is another one that works more to loosen ear wax before using another treatment. According to Prevention, it’s important to be careful when using these types of treatments, because getting hydrogen peroxide or mineral oils on the wrong side of the ear drum can cause dizziness or lead to infection. Ouch.

Check out 5 Things To Do with Hydrogen Peroxide.

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Originally Published on Reader's Digest

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