
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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The Science Behind Your Hearing Loss

Suffering from hearing loss? Here are the likely reasons why, along with helpful hints on how to cope.

Everything You Need to Know About Knee Replacement Surgery

Knee replacement surgery can dramatically lessen pain and return you to the activities you love, but it’s not the answer...

How I Overcame My Panic Attacks

For years, Toronto city councillor Joe Cressy suffered from severe panic attacks—and didn't know it. Here's how he came to...

What It’s Like Living with Lupus

For reasons that may involve hormones and sex chromosomes, women are affected by lupus nine times more often than men.

12 Things You Think Are Contagious—But Aren’t

Just because something looks bad doesn't mean it's contagious—and that includes these icky diseases, disorders, and infections.

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20 Dining Etiquette Rules No One Follows Anymore

Sorry, Emily Post. These dining etiquette rules are officially outdated.

5 Types of Toxic Co-Workers and How to Deal with Them

Working in an office can offer an exciting path to a successful career. However, sometimes our colleagues can be unprofessional,...

Ageism Might Make You Grow Older Faster, According to New Research

Ageism isn't as benign as you think: your opinion about what it means to be elderly can determine whether your...

Can These Common Home Safety Hazards Actually Kill You?

Just how dangerous is it to plug in a toaster with wet hands, or to eat a silica gel packet?...

10 Things You Should Never Post on Social Media About Your Wedding Day

While weddings are a time to celebrate your love, there are certain things you should never post about.

13 Times You’re Overusing Hand Sanitizer

Attention, germaphobes! Sometimes hand sanitizer just isn't going to cut it—these situations may call for a good old fashioned hand-washing.

Confirmed—Talking to Yourself Is Actually a Good Thing

Talking to yourself doesn’t mean you’re crazy. In fact, science approves of it!

How to Stop Procrastinating and Live a Happier Life

You can procrastinate about nearly anything: unappealing tasks, like dental appointments, or enjoyable tasks, like planning vacations. Everyone does it...

8 Ways Beer Is Actually Good for You

Who knew?! From helping your heart to fighting cavities, a daily brewski (or two) can boost your health.

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9 Homemade Face Mask Recipes That Actually Work

Editor's note: If you're looking for instructions on how to make a fabric...

10 Secret Signs You Could Use the Help of a Therapist

Have you ever considered seeking the help of a therapist? If these common conditions sound familiar, perhaps you should.

What Is Fish Oil Actually Good For?

Tons of vitamins and supplements crowd shelves with various health and wellness claims. Fish oil supplements are a popular one—but...

7 Silent Signs of a Heart Attack

Thousands of Canadians suffer a heart attack every year. Traditional symptoms—chest pain or pressure, cold sweat, extreme weakness—are well known....

Doctors Ignored This Woman’s Suffering for Years. Why Is Women’s Pain So Often Dismissed?

Health care providers can be quick to conclude that women’s pain isn’t so bad or is “all in their head”—an...

3 Ways to Deal with a Difficult Person

These expert tricks for dealing with difficult people will help you minimize the impact of jerks on your life—or maybe...

The Scientific Explanations Behind 26 Quirky Body Reactions

Science unlocks the mysteries behind the strange and obscure things that our bodies do every day.

16 Etiquette Rules Brides and Grooms Need to Stop Breaking

There's a fine line between blushing bride and bridezilla.

Why People with Red Hair Have a Higher Risk of Skin Cancer

According to the Canadian Cancer Society, approximately 8,000 Canadians will be diagnosed with melanoma skin cancer in 2020. Here's why...

Jay Leno Always Knew His Dad Had a Big Heart—Then an Unexpected Letter from a Viewer Proved That He ...

Comedian Jay Leno knew that 
his father had heart, but one woman’s 
memory revealed just how big it was.

14 Tips to Get Healthy, Gorgeous Nails

Who knew that diet, and filing habits had such an effect on your nails?

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6 Outrageous Family Stories That Are Guaranteed to Make You Laugh Out Loud

From Valentine's Day faux pas to home repairs gone awry, you won't believe these Canadians' hilarious family stories.

1 in 3 People Could Develop This Alzheimer’s-Like Disease by Age 85

A new disease mimics Alzheimer's symptoms in people aged 85 and older—but it's entirely different. Get the facts on LATE.

How to Finally Stop Biting Your Nails

This common nervous habit can leave your nails mangled, sore and prone to infection; these pro tips can help you...

Eating This Much Meat a Day Could Seriously Shorten Your Lifespan

A new study will make you rethink eating a lot of red meat.