
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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14 Things Polite People Always Say

A few simple phrases will help you turn on the charm, navigate awkward moments, and defuse tension.

Anxiety Attack vs. Panic Attack: How to Tell the Difference

These two conditions have similarities but are extremely different in terms of intensity and how long they last. Here's how...

Is Your Chest Pain a Heart Attack or Anxiety?

When you experience a painful sensation near your heart, it's natural to have chest pain anxiety and worry about what...

These 8 Foods Are Most Likely to Trigger Arthritis Flares

Protect your joints against pain and inflammation by avoiding these arthritis trigger foods.

17 Things You Can Do That Make Other People Instantly Like You

Want to be more likable? Buy yourself a gift and skip the Tylenol.

Random Acts of Kindness for Every Month of the Year

Kindness creates a ripple effect, spreading positive energy way beyond just you and the person you're nice to. Here are...

7 Silent Signs of a Herniated Disc You Could Be Ignoring

You may expect that your back is going to hurt, but leg weakness, foot pain, and hand numbness are also...

9 Signs You Might Have a Hormone Imbalance

Hormone imbalance symptoms range from fatigue, to hunger, to crankiness—and can cause major health issues. And they don't always wait...

My “Abdominal Pain” Turned Out to Be Colon Cancer

Amy Driben-Salcedo dismissed the burning in her abdomen as an ulcer—until a colonoscopy revealed she had colon cancer.

What’s the Difference Between Asperger’s and Autism?

Once considered its own diagnosis, Asperger's is now recognized as the higher end of the autistic spectrum. Here's how autism...

Men, Being Bald Makes You Sexier—According to Science

Depending on your genetics, going bald may be inevitable. There are ways to slow the progression, but you may just...

How Cutting Your Nails Wrong Could Lead to Infection

Yes, you've been doing it all your life—or having someone do it for you—but there's a right way and a...

My “Nagging Headache” Turned Out to Be a Stroke

Her "headache" was a stroke, and it almost killed her. Now she's on a mission to save the lives of...

10 Migraine Remedies That Are Proven to Work

Are migraine attacks taking over your life? Tried everything, but the throbbing headache and nausea won't go away? Maybe you...

This Is Why Pancreatic Cancer Is So Hard to Treat

Pancreatic cancer is difficult to treat largely because the early signs are vague, the cancer is highly aggressive and no...

The Serious Downside to Sleeping in on Weekends

It's tempting to use the weekend as a way to catch up on lost sleep during the work week, but...

This Is What Happens When You Ignore a Cavity

Skipping the dentist isn’t worth sacrificing a healthy smile.

The Health Issue Jay Leno Is Speaking About for the First Time

For the first time, Jay Leno is speaking publicly about his high cholesterol—and he's hoping to educate others about the...

Iceland Is No Longer the Healthiest Country in the World

Can you guess which country took its place? We'll give you a hint: it wasn't Canada, which came in 16th...

14 Stroke Risk Factors You Can Control—And 5 You Can’t

According to the Heart and Stroke Foundation, 62,000 Canadians suffer from a stroke each year. That's why you need to...

Here’s How to Spot the Difference Between Lice and Dandruff

Take a break from itching and take a look at your hair.

The Science of Resilience: How to Overcome Life’s Setbacks

Although you may hope for nothing but happy circumstances in your life, everyone experiences hardship or loss from time to...

6 Warning Signs You’re Having a Gallbladder Attack

Speak with your doctor if you are experiencing these symptoms.

The Difference Between a Psychopath and a Sociopath

They have more in common than you think.

I Have OCD—This Is What It’s Really Like

Obsessive-compulsive disorder, or OCD, is a mental disorder that causes unwanted thoughts, feelings, obsessions, and compulsions. We spoke to a...

If You Have These Marks on Your Teeth, You Could Have This Autoimmune Disorder

Those spots may seem insignificant, but health experts say they could be a sign of a severe digestive disorder.

Your “Forgetfulness” Could Be a Sign of Another Problem—and It’s Not Alzheimer’s

You can't remember something you never heard—and you can't follow directions if you didn't hear them right.

This Is What All Those Cancer Ribbon Colours Mean

Cancer ribbon colours have branched out from the now-familiar pink of breast cancer. Here's how to tell at a glance...