
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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12 Things Your Podiatrist Won’t Tell You

What favourite shoe keeps podiatrists in business? What do podiatrists wish you'd do before your appointment? Here's what your podiatrist...

The Scary Things That Happen to Your Brain When You’re Stressed—And How to Calm Down

Your brain takes a beating when anxiety gets out of hand. Here’s how stress affects your brain—and how to calm...

11 Adorable Ideas to Make Your Child’s First Day of School Extra Special

New school year, new opportunity to be a model parent—right? We rounded up some of the most adorable ways to...

Think Twice Before Eating These 10 Breakfast Foods

A healthy breakfast can set the tone for nutritious choices all day long. Consider these not-so-healthy breakfast foods sabotage.

7 Surprising Things Your Outfit Colour Says About You

Here's why purple might be off-putting and blue could land you the job.

Use Extra Virgin Olive Oil and You Might Just “Forget to Die”

Find out about the incredible health benefits of this grocery store staple, and how to make sure you get the...

7 Doctor-Approved Natural Remedies

A plant fix over a prescription drug? Some doctors swear by it.

Yes, There’s a Reason Doctors Have Such Sloppy Handwriting—Here’s Why

It isn't just a coincidence all your doctors have bad handwriting.

5 Small Ways You Can Help Your Child Beat Back-to-School Stress

Help your kids start the school year off strong with these easy tips for stress management.

7 Style Mistakes That Instantly Make You Look Older

Want to keep people guessing about your real age for years to come? Start by avoiding these common style mistakes...

8 Strange Body Parts and Their Surprising Purposes

Some parts of our body get more credit than others. Read up on the fascinating bits you've never considered.

8 Foods You Didn’t Know Can Defend Against Bug Bites

Can eating certain foods help prevent bug bites? You bet! Start chomping on these foods before your next outdoor adventure...

The 10 Luckiest Wedding Traditions from Around the World

You may want to incorporate these traditions into your own big day to increase your chances of a lifetime of...

9 Things You Really Need to Stop Bragging About—Seriously

Think twice before you show off about these touchy subjects.

40 Secrets Surgeons Won’t Tell You

Surgeons have our lives in their hands, but most of us know more about the people who cut our hair...

11 Public Places with the Most Germs

Makes you nervous, doesn’t it? Relax. It takes just a little common sense and attention to protect yourself from public...

5 Subtle Habits You Have That Make People Trust You

Adding these science-backed tweaks to your daily interactions could help you gain the trust of your co-workers, friends, and even...

There’s a New Lipstick Inspired by… Margaret Trudeau?

There's a new nude-pink lipstick on the market. The inspiration for the shade? None other than Margaret Trudeau.

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6 Natural Supplements That Can Help Treat Acne

Thought acne was something only teenagers worried about? Think again! In fact, up to 8% of those who had clear...

Some of the Greatest Thinkers in the World Had This Productivity Trick in Common

The surprisingly simple tip worked for Darwin, Dickens and other history-making thinkers.

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Home Remedies for Headaches that Actually Work

No one's immune to the occasional headache, but that doesn't mean you're powerless in preventing them. Here's how to stop...

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17 Forgotten Manners Every Parent Should Teach Their Child

An important part of raising your child is teaching them good manners that they are able to apply not only...

11 Ways to Improve Your Vocabulary in Just One Day

The average Canadian has a vocabulary in the thousands. Try these tricks to make sure yours stacks up!

Successful People Do These 12 Things on Their Commute

You could squander time on Facebook, or you could take a tip from how these successful people think. Find out...

7 Timeless Fashion Tips to Steal from Jackie Kennedy

From high-rise hair to strings of pearls and slim-fitting shift dresses, Jackie Kennedy's signature looks will never go out of...

10 Surprising Things That Could Happen When You Start Doing Yoga

There's more to this centuries-old practice than meets the eye. So roll out your yoga mat and check out the...

10 Reasons Why You’re Always Getting Bitten by Mosquitoes

Whom they love to bite, where they like to hang out, and which repellents they hate the most.

6 Things Your Eye Colour Might Reveal About Your Health and Personality

Have a competitive streak? Do people find you trustworthy? These traits could have to do with your eye colour, fascinating...

Colonoscopy Preparation Tips: What Doctors Tell Their Friends

The physicians of the hit TV show The Doctors share share when to get a colonoscopy and how to prep...