
Discover the latest health news, along with practical tips on how to adopt a healthy lifestyle by improving your diet and moving more. From proven home remedies to advice on managing and preventing chronic health conditions, we’ll keep you looking and feeling your best.

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6 Natural Ways to Prevent Memory Loss

We are the sum of our memories-one of the many reasons it's so important to protect them. Bolster your brain's...

9 Ways to Get Rid of Dandruff

Can't seem to shake those unsightly white flakes? Here are expert-approved strategies to get rid of dandruff for good.

3 Reasons Your Kids Need More Free Play

It turns out free play is just as important to kids' development as structured activities like piano lessons and organized...

10 Beauty Tips that are Better than Plastic Surgery

Plastic surgery is increasingly popular, decidedly expensive, and almost instantly effective. But if going under the knife seems more risky...

6 Ways to Improve Your Memory with Herbs and Supplements

Finding yourself a little forgetful lately? Here are six herbs and supplements that will naturally boost your memory

Are These Health Care Treatments More Harm than Good?

Think twice before agreeing to these five potentially harmful medical and diagnostic procedures: According to a recent study of Canada's...

How to Slow the Aging Process-in 7 Days

By taking just a few small anti-aging steps every day, you'll soon be cutting your risk for the diseases that...

10 Beauty Tricks that Turn Back the Clock

Why look your age when you can look even younger?  With these simple beauty tricks, you'll not only improve your...

Weighing the Value of BMI

The body mass index measures fat, but does it speak to health and fitness? The experts weigh in.

7 Mind Tricks Everybody Falls For

How much of your thoughts and behaviours are the results of unconscious mind tricks? Psychologist Adam Alter, author of...

How to Forgive: A Four-Step Plan

It's never easy to forgive the hurt inflicted by a loved one, but in the end, it's often the only...

Why Worrying Might Actually Be Good For You


Worried about worrying too much? Don't be-those anxious feelings can have surprising benefits.

Should I Get a Medication Review?

If you have questions about the medications you're taking, a visit with a pharmacist can help you make sense of...

Exercising With Physical Limitations

Don't let physical limitations get in the way of cardio fitness.

How to Apologize

Offering up an effective mea culpa can be challenging, but it's well worth the effort.

The Benefits of Taking Breaks

How slacking off can improve your focus .

Tips for Safe Medication Use

How to boost the benefits of your prescriptions.

Should We Worry About Health Risks From Our Cellphones?

What the experts say about possible harmful effects.

Charting the Rise of Skin Cancer in Canada

Melanoma is one of the most preventable forms of cancer. Understand which lifestyle factors put you at an increased risk.

13 Things You Should Know About Keeping Your Brain Strong

Your mind matters. Here's how to stay sharp.

How Mood and Anxiety Disorders Affect Women

Despite high rates of mental illness in Canada, people are still reluctant to talk about it. Learning more about common...

The Importance of a Healthy Gut

How to foster good bacteria in your body.

Intercourse Issues

Charting the rise of sexually transmitted infections in Canada.

13 Things You Should Know About First Impressions

From your smile to your handshake-here's the scoop on meeting someone for the first time.

The Benefits of Small Talk

Don't underestimate the gift of the gab.

The Surprising Science of Soulmates

How to navigate the line between love and fantasy.

Timothy Caulfield: The RD Interview

The author of Is Gwyneth Paltrow Wrong About Everything? (and University of Alberta health law professor) talks star worship, facials...

How to Set and Keep New Year’s Resolutions

Simplicity is key when it comes to setting family-friendly goals this year.

Is Saturated Fat Bad?

For some experts, saturated fat is a major health risk. Others say it's not so bad. Who's right? We round...