Home & Garden

There’s no place like home—especially when it’s in tip-top shape. We’ve rounded up the best cleaning and organizing tricks, affordable decor ideas, DIY hacks, and more. Warning: Once you’ve got everything just the way you want it, you may never want to leave!

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How to Grow Eggplant in Your Garden

Eggplant is amongst one of the easiest vegetables to grow in your garden. This warm-seaon crop ranks as of the...

Gardening Tips for Dry, Free-Draining Soil

On free-draining soils you can grow a range of plants that are not happy in moist conditions. Since...

Landscape Design: Make Your Own Water Garden

The sight and sound of water, the colourful fish and varied plants water can support, and the vitality of the...

How to Make Your Home More Energy Efficient

Transform your home's energy profile and save on electricity and heating with these 10 handy tips to make your home...

Planning Your Vegetable Patch for Your Garden

Designing your vegetable garden can be a fun and exciting task! Before you get rolling with your favourite and dream...

How to Grow Strawberries in Your Garden

The most landscape-friendly of fruits, strawberries grow wild in temperate regions across America and Europe.Today's cultivated varieties are...

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Garden Tips: Removing Leaves from Your Landscape

Raking may not be everyone's favourite task but it will benefit your landscape and garden in the long...

How to Build a Stylish Gravel Garden For Your Landscape

Gravel gardens are low-maintenance and clean. There's no worry about having to weed it or mow it; it just simple...

Adding an Arbour or Pergola to Your Garden

Gardeners have used arches, arbours, and pergolas to add interest and height to gardens since the time of...

Types of Plant Beds and Borders for Your Garden Landscape

Beds and borders fall loosely into four categories: single, herbaceous, shrub and mixed. The style of border you...

Garden Design From a Florist’s Perspective

The garden of her Surrey home is dotted with pots at every turn: some decorative, some functional, some...

Tips for Gardening with Children

If you have a child in your life who's interested in growing plants, make a space in the...

Landscaping Tips: Things to Know about Boundary Walls

A boundary wall shelters the garden from strong and cold winds and presents a marvellous opportunity for growing...

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How to Hand Weed Your Garden

Weeding a garden can be one of the most dreaded tasks a gardener faces. Because it's so unpleasant many gardeners...

Growing Apples: Problem Signs and Symptoms to Watch for

The majority of apple pests can be controlled with one dormant spray plus the controls specified in the...

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Growing Plums: Common Plum Problems

There are over a hundred varieties of plums currently growing in Canada. Some of these are commerical, others are experimental...

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How to Grow Peas in Your Garden

Peas are one of the prime examples of the taste difference between bought and fresh from the garden.  Normally peas...

Landscape Design: Your Own Japanese Garden

Japanese culture is known for its elegant appreciation for nature and simplicty. If you look closely you'll notice that their...

Make Your Own City Garden

The concrete paving behind her city-centre basement flat is not quite 8m wide and 5.5m long (26x18ft), but...

A Look at the Different Types of Roses

There are a variety of rose types that you can plant in your garden. From popular to picky the styles...

Landscape and Garden Planning: Where to Put Your Garden for Maximum Yield

Where should you put your garden? It's suggested that you choose a place that gets the most sun throughout the...

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Top Tips for Garden Landscape Planning

Before getting started on a new garden landscape, it's best to plan your project on paper first. You...

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Landscaping Basics: Planting Trees, Shrubs & Hedges

Planting trees, shrubs or hedges is a great way to add privacy and beauty to your landscape. Below are some...

How to Attract Wildlife to Your Landscape

A mere 100 years ago, the greater portion of our landscape was farmland. There were wood lots, hedgerows, and weedy...

How to Get Rid of Mosquitoes in your Landscape

Mosquitoes were bad enough when they just made you itch. Now that some of them carry the West...

10 DIY Mirror Cleaner Tips

These terrific DIY mirror cleaning tips guarantee clean bathroom mirrors, glass tables and fireplace doors with ease.

How to Stack Your Own Stone Wall

A well-built wall can last for centuries and roadside boundaries throughout Europe are solid testament to simple stacking techniques.They were...

What Your House Colour Says About You

The hues chosen for a room's walls and ceiling can help determine whether your interior design is a hit or...

Funny Texts From Parents Gone Bad

Have a laugh at these hilarious real-life texts taken from the cellphones of parents.