Bichon Frise
The Bichon Frise is a small, happy breed whose coat is considered hypoallergenic. A good companion dog for people of all ages.
The Bulldog is a powerful and friendly breed that is a devoted companion. He requires minimal grooming and does well in cooler temperatures.
The Beagle is a small hunting dog breed that is social and can be highly vocal. This native of England requires regular exercise.
The Boxer is an athletic working breed with a sense of humor. This native of Germany requires minimal grooming but plenty of exercise and makes a great family dog.
Bernese Mountain Dog
The Bernese Mountain Dog is a large working breed with a sweet, loving temperament. This native to Switzerland makes an ideal family pet.
English Springer Spaniel
The English Springer Spaniel is a medium sized sporting breed. They are known for their sweet temperament and endurance in the field.
Golden Retriever
The Golden Retriever is an intelligent and easily trained sporting breed. The Golden is willing to please at home, in the field or as a service dog.
The Chihuahua is a popular small breed that is devoted and smart. They need early socialization and should not be carried everywhere.
German Shepherd
The German Shepherd Dog is an enthusiastic herding breed that requires plenty of exercise. This native of Germany makes a good family dog but does require regular grooming.
Labrador Retriever
The Labrador Retriever is a popular hunting and companion breed. They make good family pets and come in three colours: black, yellow and chocolate.
Yorkshire Terrier
The Yorkshire Terrier is a small breed with a long, beautiful, silky coat. They do require regular grooming but make excellent companions and watchdogs.
The Havanese is a small companion breed that makes a good family pet. They require regular grooming but can be clipped for ease in coat maintenance.
The Pomeranian is a lively toy breed that requires regular grooming. They are excellent companions that are smart and ready to meet the world.
Miniature Schnauzer
The Miniature Schnauzer is small terrier breed that requires plenty of exercise. This native of Germany is an obedient family member who is a choice for allergy sufferers.
A native of China, the Pug is a playful breed that is highly intelligent. They come in two colors, black and fawn.
The Poodle comes in three sizes. They are a highly intelligent breed with a coat considered hypoallergenic.
Shetland Sheepdog
The Shetland Sheepdog is an intelligent and easily trainable herding breed. They make a good family pet but do require regular exercise and grooming.
Siberian Husky
The Siberian Husky is an athletic working breed that requires plenty of exercise. They have effortless movement and exceptional stamina.
West Highland White Terrier
The West Highland White Terrier is a happy and sturdy breed. This native of Scotland is good with children but can be highly vocal.
Shih Tzu
The Shih Tzu is a small companion breed that requires regular grooming. This breed has a long history as a royal companion animal in China.
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