Undo Damage With Olive Oil
Put your hair into a time machine and undo the severe damage with olive oil. Wash your hair and rinse with warm water. Heat 1/2 a cup of olive oil in the microwave for about 45 seconds, until it’s warm but you can still hold your finger in it. Massage it all through your hair and then cover with an old shower cap or wrap your hair with a sheet of plastic wrap. Cover with a towel and wear it for 30 minutes. Shampoo and rinse well and your hair will feel thick and silky.
Brighten Dark Hair With a Dark Tea Rinse
If the summer, sun, and chlorine made your dark hair rough and dry, soothe your sun-stressed tresses with a warm rinse of dark tea. Pour a quart through your hair after a mild shampoo. It will bring out the highlights and make your hair feel soft again.
Try Ketchup for Chlorine Green Hair
To return your tresses to their rightful colour and eradicate the chlorine after a few days in the pool, massage ketchup into your wet hair while in the shower and leave it on for 10 minutes. Rinse well and shampoo as usual. The green will be gone and you’ll smell like nothing but freshly washed hair.
Use Aspirin to Protect Hair Colour
Swimming in chlorinated pool can have a noticeable and often unpleasing effect on your hair colouring, especially if you have light-coloured hair, but you can usually return your hair to its former shade. Try dissolving 6-8 aspirins in a large glass of warm water. Rub the solution thoroughly through your hair and let it sit for 10-15 minutes.
Protect Blonde Hair With Vinegar
Keep your golden locks from turning green in chlorinated pool by rubbing 1/4 cup of cider vinegar into your hair and let it set for 15 minutes before diving in.