Healthy Living15 Medical Discoveries You’ll Wish You Knew Sooner Did you know that vegans and vegetarians score higher than meat eaters on scales measuring depression? We’ve rounded up the best medical discoveries from around the world.
CultureThe History of the World in 27 Dumb Jokes Were you bored silly in history class? Then you’ll love laughing at Socrates, Caesar, Queen Elizabeth II and more.
Culture18 of the Most Dangerous Jobs Around the World Earning a living could cost you your life if you have one of these risky careers.
Pets11 Subtle Signs Your Cat Is Depressed Is your aloof, fickle feline just being a cat? Or is there something more going on? Here’s how to tell.
Travel CanadaMeet Teagan Littlechief, the Aboriginal Musician You Need to Hear Right Now Hell bent and troubled at times, Teagan Littlechief found hope and salvation in creating music.
Healthy Living4 Dos and Don’ts for Tick Removal Protect yourself from Lyme disease, Powassan, Rocky mountain fever and other tick-borne illnesses by mastering tick removal in four simple steps.
Travel Advice18 Things Pickpockets Don’t Want You to Know Whether you’re travelling abroad or in a crowded city, cunning pickpockets could be watching your every move. Here’s how to avoid becoming a target.
Travel the World15 Natural Wonders You’ve Never Heard Of You’ve heard about the Grand Canyon, but these lesser-known, more remote natural wonders deliver a similar “wow” factor.
Travel the World15 Countries That Existed 100 Years Ago (But Don’t Anymore) From the collapse ancient empires to the renaming of exotic places, the map of the world looks very different now than it did a century ago.
Home Improvement20 Hilarious DIY Disasters You’ll Be Glad Didn’t Happen to You It’s hard to nail down the 20 dumbest ones we’ve seen. Let’s face it: they’re all contenders. But here’s our best shot.