Travel CanadaCaption Corner – July 2015 How creative can you be for coming up with a caption for this cute photo? Give it your best shot!
CultureRD Interview: Margaret Trudeau Margaret Trudeau on her new book, The Time of Your Life, what women need to keep in mind and how to make your third chapter a thrilling one.
Travel AdviceBaffin Islands: Legends of the Fall These dizzying cliffs have become a go-to for BASE jumpers. But is the thrill worth the risk?
CultureWhy You Trust David Suzuki The steadfast activist on hope for the future and why it comes down to older generations to shake things up.
CultureCanada’s Most-Trusted Influencers, 2015 Reader’s Digest hired market research firm Ipsos Reid to poll Canadians to determine in whom we place our confidence. Here, the top 20 movers, shakers and opinion makers, as chosen by you.
CultureThe Power of Friendship The ties can be lifelong or newly found. They can run deeper than blood and outlive our intimacies with spouses or lovers. Here, seven stories that celebrate some of life’s most complex and profound bonds.
CultureDrama in Real Life: 40 Hours Lost at Sea Ordered to abandon ship in heavy weather, a badly injured second officer survives for nearly 40 hours in churning seas off Thailand.
CultureThe Dalai Lama’s Ski Day During a trip to New Mexico, Tibet’s spiritual leader checks out the state’s snow-capped mountains-in his oxfords.
Healthy LivingHow to Set and Keep New Year’s Resolutions Simplicity is key when it comes to setting family-friendly goals this year.