Travel CanadaCelebrate Canada Photo Contest Results & More Here are the top three winning photos from this year’s Celebrate Canada Photo Contest! We’ve also included a few of our past winning photos for you to enjoy. See the winning photos and runners up in the December/January issue of Our Canada.
CulturePeer Pressure: What You Can Do About Poor Parenting See a parent behaving badly? Here’s when and how to step in.
CultureWarning System: Naomi Klein on Climate Change Activist and author Naomi Klein on her new book, This Changes Everything, and why she has hope for the future of the planet.
Road TripsTaking the “It Can Wait” Distracted Driving Pledge If you have driven with a toddler in the back seat of your vehicle, you already know that it can be hard not to be distracted by the constant demands for attention being hurled over your shoulder (sometimes quite literally). Children aren’t the only distraction, though…
Road TripsDistracted Driving: Just Don’t Do It In our increasingly fast-paced world, it’s become commonplace to see people texting, doing makeup and worse while driving. Safe driving demands our full attention at all times.
Travel CanadaTop 10 Kayak Tours Across Canada Whether you’re a kayaking newbie or a paddling pro, these day tours will help you get in touch with some of Canada’s most beautiful scenery.
CultureWhat Would Noah Do?: How the Calgary Zoo Saved 200 Animals From the Flood In June 2013, as rising flood waters displaced 80,000 people in the Calgary area, the staff at the city’s zoo trapped meerkats, herded skittish giraffes and MacGyvered hippo cages in their quest to keep 200 creatures alive.
Cleaning and OrganizingHow to Clean Up Your Kids’ Clutter Creatively It seems like a never-ending struggle to find practical ways to keep kids puzzle pieces from landing in the same tub as the wooden blocks. It doesn’t have to be. Clean up your kids’ clutter with these creative tips.