CultureWhat’s New on Netflix Canada, Amazon Prime Video and Crave: July 2019 We’re counting down the 10 must-see new releases on Netflix Canada, Amazon Prime Video and Crave this month.
Cleaning and Organizing26 Things in Your House That a Professional Organizer Would Throw Out Get your trash bag ready! An expert organizer shares her list of the top 26 things she’d throw out without a second thought.
Culture25 Brand-New Words Added to the Dictionary for 2019 Merriam-Webster added over 600 new words to the dictionary this year. You’ll find old words with new meanings on the list too.
Healthy LivingHow to Stop Procrastinating and Live a Happier Life You can procrastinate about nearly anything: unappealing tasks, like dental appointments; or enjoyable tasks, like planning vacations. Everyone does it differently—here’s how to put a stop to it.
Buying Guide5 Ways to Save on Your Next Car Rental Looking to cut some costs on your upcoming vacation? These budget-friendly car rental tips could save you a bundle.
Culture19 of the Strangest Unsolved Mysteries of All Time Get ready to have the hair on the back of your neck stand on end. These unsolved mysteries are among the most chilling we’ve ever heard.
Culture19 of the Scariest Moments Pilots Have Experienced on the Job Flying is still considered the safest mode of transportation, but these pilots have stories that may make you reconsider that belief.
CultureThe Heartwarming Reason These Bearded Newfoundlanders Are Posing in a Mermaid Calendar Hasan Hai convinces the men of Newfoundland and Labrador to get fishy for a good cause.
Pets7 Signs Your Dog Could Have an Ear Infection Is your favourite furry friend trying to tell you that they’ve got a dog ear infection? These are the signs you should look for and act on, pronto.
Culture9 Random Acts of Kindness That Will Make You Proud to Be Canadian These Canadians went above and beyond with their acts of kindness. They will inspire you to do the same.