Healthy Living8 Science-Backed Reasons Why Adult Colouring Books Are Good for You Once seen as child’s play, colouring books for adults are now a nationwide craze. Here’s why you should try it out for yourself.
Travel Advice8 Most Common Travel Illnesses (and How to Avoid Them) Traveling is all fun and games until you pick up an unpleasant bug. Learn what’s putting you at risk and how you can protect yourself before you jet off.
CultureEuropean of the Year: Boyan Slat Wants to Clean Up the Oceans Plastic pollutes the world’s oceans, killing marine life and damaging the planet. Boyan Slat just might have the answer
ConditionsThe Truth About Diagnosing Headaches Headaches affect half of all adults each year. So why are they so hard to diagnose?
Healthy LivingReader’s Digest Health Report: December 2016 We’ve rounded up the four best medical discoveries from around the world for December.
Conditions12 Terrifying and Mysterious Symptoms-Diagnosed! These patients got more than they bargained for. From spontaneous brain fluid leaks to cancer scares, here are 12 terrifying mystery illnesses-resolved.
Healthy Living13 Things You Should Know About Optimism Being an optimist is easier said than done, but the emotional and physical rewards are substantial. Here are 13 things you need to know about optimism.
Healthy Living8 Ways to Use Your T-Shirt to Treat Injuries If you can’t get professional medical help right away, you can still stop a bad bleed, prevent wound infection or treat heat exhaustion – all with a simple T-shirt.
ConditionsWhy Early Diagnosis and Treatment for IBD Is Important Discover the latest research in inflammatory bowel disease (IBD), showing early treatment can help slow down the disease progression and prevent complications.
Conditions8 Ways to Handle Hay Fever Symptoms Don’t let hay fever symptoms hamper your enjoyment of the already too-short Canadian summer. Here’s how to handle the sneezing, sniffling and itchy eyes that are the calling card of allergic rhinitis.